Stage members

Represents a stage in a project workflow.

The Stage type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method Stage Creates an instance of the Stage class.



  Name Description
Public property Behavior Gets or sets the Strategic Impact value for a stage; for example, Read Only.
Public property CheckInRequired Gets or sets a value that indicates whether project check in is required.
Public property Context (Inherited from ClientObject.)
Public property CustomFields Gets the collection of all custom field objects that have values set for the stage.
Public property Description Gets or sets the stage description.
Public property Id Gets the GUID of the stage.
Public property Name Gets or sets the name of the stage.
Protected property ObjectData (Inherited from ClientObject.)
Public property ObjectVersion (Inherited from ClientObject.)
Public property Path (Inherited from ClientObject.)
Public property Phase Gets or sets the phase that contains the stage.
Public property ProjectDetailPages Gets a collection of project detail pages that are associated with the stage.
Public property ServerObjectIsNull (Inherited from ClientObject.)
Public property SubmitDescription Gets or sets the stage description for submit.
Public property Tag (Inherited from ClientObject.)
Public property TypedObject (Inherited from ClientObject.)
Public property WorkflowStatusPage Gets or sets the workflow status project detail page for the stage.



  Name Description
Protected method CheckUninitializedProperty (Inherited from ClientObject.)
Public method CustomFromJson (Inherited from ClientObject.)
Public method DeleteObject Deletes the Stage object.
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method FromJson (Inherited from ClientObject.)
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method InitNonPropertyFieldFromJson (Inherited from ClientObject.)
Protected method InitOnePropertyFromJson Reserved for internal use. (Overrides ClientObject.InitOnePropertyFromJson(String, JsonReader).)
Public method IsObjectPropertyInstantiated (Inherited from ClientObject.)
Public method IsPropertyAvailable (Inherited from ClientObject.)
Protected method LoadExpandoFields (Inherited from ClientObject.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public method RefreshLoad (Inherited from ClientObject.)
Protected method RemoveFromParentCollection (Inherited from ClientObject.)
Public method Retrieve() (Inherited from ClientObject.)
Public method Retrieve([]) (Inherited from ClientObject.)
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method UpdateClientObjectPropertyType (Inherited from ClientObject.)


See also


Stage class

Microsoft.ProjectServer.Client namespace