DatabaseBackedMetadataCatalog.Finalize method

Attempts to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before this object is reclaimed by garbage collection.

Namespace:  Microsoft.SharePoint.BusinessData.MetadataModel
Assembly:  Microsoft.SharePoint (in Microsoft.SharePoint.dll)


Protected Overrides Sub Finalize

protected override void Finalize()


This method overrides System.Object.Finalize. Application code should not call this method; an object's Finalize method is automatically invoked during garbage collection, unless finalization by the garbage collector has been disabled by a call to the GC.SuppressFinalize method. For more information, see Finalize Methods and Destructors , Cleaning Up Unmanaged Resources , and Overriding the Finalize Method.

See also


DatabaseBackedMetadataCatalog class

DatabaseBackedMetadataCatalog members

Microsoft.SharePoint.BusinessData.MetadataModel namespace