ODataConnectionSettings members

Representation of an connection settings to OData Service. An OData connection setting could point to the OData Service or to OData Metadata connection.

The ODataConnectionSettings type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method ODataConnectionSettings() ODataConnectionSettings constructor.
Public method ODataConnectionSettings(ConnectionSettings) ODataConnectionSettings constructor.



  Name Description
Public property AuthenticationMode OData Authentication Mode
Public property ConnectionType Connection Settings Type
Public property ConnectThroughHybridProxy To connect through the Hyrbid On-Prem proxy or not.
Public property Description Description for the Connection Settings.
Public property ExtensionProvider Full qualified name of the Extension Provider to be used while making OData request.
Public property Name Name of the Connection Settings
Public property ParentName Parent Name.
Public property ProxyCredentials Secure Store Credential collection for authenticating against the Proxy.
Public property ProxySsoApplicationId Proxy Sso Application Id.
Public property ProxyUri Proxy Uri
Public property ServiceCredentials Secure Store Credential collection for authenticating against the service.
Public property SsoApplicationId Sso Application Id
Public property SsoProviderImplementationId Sso Provider Implementation Id
Public property TargetUri Target URI.
Public property UseServiceAuth This property is applicable only for the Metadata connection setting. Used to track whether the metadata connection setting should use the same service auth credentials for authentication
Public property WebProxy Web proxy to be used for connecting to the OData Service.



  Name Description
Public method Dispose() Dispose any resources.
Protected method Dispose(Boolean) Dispose the resources.
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)


See also


ODataConnectionSettings class

Microsoft.SharePoint.BusinessData.SystemSpecific.OData namespace