ISPUserCodeExecutionHostProxy.Execute method

Executes a request using a user code wrapper object in a user code worker process.

Namespace:  Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration
Assembly:  Microsoft.SharePoint (in Microsoft.SharePoint.dll)


Function Execute ( _
    userCodeWrapperType As Type, _
    siteCollectionId As Guid, _
    userToken As SPUserToken, _
    affinityBucketName As String, _
    executionContext As SPUserCodeExecutionContext _
) As Object
Dim instance As ISPUserCodeExecutionHostProxy
Dim userCodeWrapperType As Type
Dim siteCollectionId As Guid
Dim userToken As SPUserToken
Dim affinityBucketName As String
Dim executionContext As SPUserCodeExecutionContext
Dim returnValue As Object

returnValue = instance.Execute(userCodeWrapperType, _
    siteCollectionId, userToken, affinityBucketName, _
Object Execute(
    Type userCodeWrapperType,
    Guid siteCollectionId,
    SPUserToken userToken,
    string affinityBucketName,
    SPUserCodeExecutionContext executionContext


  • userCodeWrapperType
    Type: System.Type

    The type of wrapper object to activate on the remote user code execution server. This value must specifiy a Type that derives from SPUserCodeWrapper.

  • siteCollectionId
    Type: System.Guid

    The site collection identifier of the site which the wrapper object will be working within.

  • affinityBucketName
    Type: System.String

    The name of the affinity bucket that should be used.

Return value

Type: System.Object
An object containing the results of the request.

See also


ISPUserCodeExecutionHostProxy interface

ISPUserCodeExecutionHostProxy members

Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration namespace