IAnalyticsItemData members

Represents analytics item data for an item or a rollup scope.

The IAnalyticsItemData type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property CurrentDate Gets analytics data for the date. when the analytics data was retrieved.
Public property EventType Gets the type of event.
Public property ItemId Gets the internal item ID.
Public property LastProcessingHits Get the number of hits for an item or rollup scope in the last processing interval.
Public property LastProcessingTime Gets the date and time analytics data was last updated for an item.
Public property LastProcessingUniqueUsers Gets the number of unique users for an item or rollup scope in the last processing interval.
Public property ScopeId Gets the unique scope ID for view events.
Public property SiteId Gets the ID for the site.
Public property TenantId Gets the ID of the tenant.
Public property TotalHits Gets the number of total hits for an item or rollup scope.
Public property TotalUniqueUsers Gets the total number of unique users for an item or rollup scope.



  Name Description
Public method GetDailyData Gets the historical data by day for the item or rollup scope.
Public method GetHitCountForDay Gets the historical hit count data on a specified day for the item or rollup scope.
Public method GetHitCountForMonth Gets the historical hit count data for a specified month for the item or rollup scope.
Public method GetMonthlyData Gets the historical data by month for the item or rollup scope.
Public method GetUniqueUsersCountForDay Gets the historical unique users data for a specified day for the item or rollup scope.
Public method GetUniqueUsersCountForMonth Gets the historical unique users data for a specified month for an item or rollup scope.


See also


IAnalyticsItemData interface

Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Analytics namespace