CrawlStorePartitionManager.BeginMovingDataOutOfCrawlStores method

Start moving data out of the crawl stores with the specified IDs into the remaining crawl stores. At the end of this operation, the specified crawl stores will be empty.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration
Assembly:  Microsoft.Office.Server.Search (in Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.dll)


Public Function BeginMovingDataOutOfCrawlStores ( _
    crawlDatabaseIDs As Guid(), _
    rebalanceAfterDelete As Boolean _
) As Nullable(Of Guid)
Dim instance As CrawlStorePartitionManager
Dim crawlDatabaseIDs As Guid()
Dim rebalanceAfterDelete As Boolean
Dim returnValue As Nullable(Of Guid)

returnValue = instance.BeginMovingDataOutOfCrawlStores(crawlDatabaseIDs, _
public Nullable<Guid> BeginMovingDataOutOfCrawlStores(
    Guid[] crawlDatabaseIDs,
    bool rebalanceAfterDelete


  • crawlDatabaseIDs
    Type: []

    Supplies the list of crawl store IDs to be emptied.

  • rebalanceAfterDelete
    Type: System.Boolean

    Supplies a flag that indicates if content should be rebalanced across the remaining crawl stores once the specified crawl stores are emptied. The process of moving data out of the specified crawl stores by itself will probably result in balanced content. But setting this flag to true causes the content to be further rebalanced, possibly including the movement of data between the remaining crawl stores. The tradeoff here is that setting this parameter to true will result in more balanced crawl stores, but the total time for the operation will be longer, since more data needs to be moved.

Return value

Type: System.Nullable<Guid>
Returns the change ID if the data move is started successfully, or null if no data moves are required. Throws ArgumentException if an empty list of crawl store IDs is supplied. Throws InvalidOperationException if unable to register the partition change. Will rethrow any exceptions encountered when persisting state to SQL after cleaning up.

See also


CrawlStorePartitionManager class

CrawlStorePartitionManager members

Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration namespace