New or Edit Server Registration (General Tab) (Analysis Services - Multidimensional Data)

Use this tab to specify options when registering an instance of Analysis Services.

To access this page, in Registered Servers click Analysis Services on the Registered Servers toolbar, right-click any registered servers group, such as Analysis Services, point to New, and then click Server Registration.


Server type
When a server is registered from Registered Servers, the Server type box is read-only, and it matches the type of server displayed in the Registered Servers pane. To register a different type of server, click the server you want on the Registered Servers toolbar before starting to register a new server.

Server name
Select the server instance to connect to. The server instance last connected to is displayed by default.

Windows Authentication allows a user to connect using their Microsoft Windows credentials, as a Windows user or as a member of a Windows group.

User name
This option is not available in this release.

This option is not available in this release.

Remember password
This option is not available in this release.

Registered server name
The name you want to appear in Registered Servers. This name does not have to match the Server name box.

Registered server description
Enter an optional description of the server.

Click to test the connection to the server selected in Server name.

Click to save the registered server settings.