New or Edit Server Registration (General Tab) (Reporting Services)

Use this tab to specify options when registering an instance of Reporting Services.

To access this page, in Registered Servers, click Reporting Services on the Registered Servers toolbar, right-click any registered servers group such as Reporting Services, point to New, and then click Server Registration.


Server type
When a server is registered from Registered Servers, the Server type box is read-only, and it matches the type of server displayed in the Registered Servers pane. To register a different type of server, click the server you want on the Registered Servers toolbar before starting to register a new server.

Server name
Specify the report server instance to connect to. In Management Studio, you can access a report server through its instance name. You can have one report server instance for each SQL Server instance that you install. If you are using the default instance, type the name of the SQL Server instance. If you are using a named instance, specify the named instance to connect to the report server in the format MSSQL$InstanceName.

Authentication to a report server is made through Internet Information Services (IIS). Select from one of the following authentication modes when connecting to Reporting Services:

Windows Authentication Mode (Windows Authentication)
Connect to the report server instance using your Microsoft Windows credentials.

Basic Authentication
Connect using Basic Authentication if your Reporting Services installation is configured to use Basic Authentication.

Forms Authentication
Connect using Forms Authentication if your Reporting Services installation is configured to use a custom authentication extension.

User Name
Enter the login name to use for the connection. This option is only available if you have selected Basic or Forms Authentication.

Enter the password for the user name. This option is only editable if you have selected Basic or Forms Authentication.

Remember password
Store the password you have entered. This option is only available if you have clicked Basic or Forms Authentication.


If you have stored the password and want to stop storing it, clear this check box and then click Save.

Registered server name
The name you want to appear in Registered Servers. This name does not have to match the name in the Server name box.

Registered server description
Enter an optional description of the server.

Click to test the connection to the server selected in Server name.

Click to save the registered server settings.