Create an Encrypted Backup

This topic describes the steps necessary to create an encrypted backup using Transact-SQL.

Backup to Disk with Encryption


  • Access to a local disk or to storage with adequate space to create a backup of the database.

  • A Database Master Key for the master database, and a certificate or asymmetric key available on the instance of SQL Server. For encryption requirements and permissions, see Backup Encryption.

Use the following steps to create an encrypted backup of a database to a local disk. This example uses a user database called MyTestDB.

  1. Create a Database Master Key of the master database: Choose a password for encrypting the copy of the master key that will be stored in the database. Connect to the database engine, start a new query windows and copy and paste the following example and click Execute.

    -- Creates a database master key.   
    -- The key is encrypted using the password "<master key password>"  
    USE master;  
    CREATE MASTER KEY ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD = '<master key password>';  
  2. Create a Backup Certificate: Create a backup certificate in the master database. Copy and paste the following example into the query window and click Execute

    Use Master  
    CREATE CERTIFICATE MyTestDBBackupEncryptCert  
       WITH SUBJECT = 'MyTestDB Backup Encryption Certificate';  
  3. Backup the database: Specify the encryption algorithm and certificate to use. Copy and paste the following example into the query window and click Execute.

    TO DISK = N'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL12.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Backup\MyTestDB.bak'  
       ALGORITHM = AES_256,  
       SERVER CERTIFICATE = MyTestDBBackupEncryptCert  
      STATS = 10  

For an example of encrypting a backup protected by an EKM, see Extensible Key Management Using Azure Key Vault (SQL Server).

Backup to Azure Storage with Encryption

If you are creating a backup to Azure storage using the SQL Server Backup to URL option, the encryption steps are the same, but you must use URL as the destination and a SQL Credential to authenticate to the Azure storage. If you want to configure SQL Server Managed Backup to Microsoft Azure with encryption options, see Setting up SQL Server Managed Backup to Azure and Setting up SQL Server Managed Backup to Azure for Availability Groups.


  • A windows storage account and a container. For more information, see. Lesson 1: Create Azure Storage Objects.

  • A Database Master Key for the master database, and a certificate or asymmetric key on the instance of SQL Server. For encryption requirements and permissions, see Backup Encryption.

  1. Create SQL Server Credential: To create a SQL Server credential, connect to the Database Engine, open a new query window, and copy and paste the following example and click Execute.

    CREATE CREDENTIAL mycredential   
    WITH IDENTITY= 'mystorageaccount' - this is the name of the storage account you specified when creating a storage account    
    , SECRET = '<storage account access key>' - this should be either the Primary or Secondary Access Key for the storage account  
  2. Create a Database Master Key: Choose a password for encrypting the copy of the master key that will be stored in the database. Connect to the database engine, start a new query windows and copy and paste the following example and click Execute.

    -- Creates a database master key.  
    -- The key is encrypted using the password "<master key password>"  
    USE Master;  
    CREATE MASTER KEY ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD = '<master key password>';  
  3. Create a Backup Certificate: Create a Backup Certificate in the master database. Copy and paste the following example in the query window and click Execute

    USE Master;  
    CREATE CERTIFICATE MyTestDBBackupEncryptCert  
       WITH SUBJECT = 'MyTestDBBackupEncryptCert ';  
  4. Backup the database: Specify the encryption algorithm and the certificate to use. Copy and paste the following example into the query window and click Execute.

    TO URL = N'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL12.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Backup\MyTestDB.bak'  
      CREDENTIAL 'mycredential' - this is the name of the credential created in the first step.  
       ALGORITHM = AES_256,  
       SERVER CERTIFICATE = MyTestDBBackupEncryptCert  
      STATS = 10  