Configure a Native Mode Report Server for Local Administration (SSRS)

Deploying a Reporting Services report server on one of the following operating systems requires more configuration steps if you want to administer the report server instance locally. This topic explains how to configure the report server for local administration. If you have not yet installed or configured the report server, see Install SQL Server 2014 from the Installation Wizard (Setup) and Manage a Reporting Services Native Mode Report Server.

Applies to: Reporting Services Native mode
  • Windows Server 2012 R2

  • Windows 8.1

  • Windows 8

  • Windows Server 2012

  • Windows Server 2008 R2

  • Windows 7

  • Windows Server 2008

Because the noted operating systems limit permissions, members of the local Administrators group run most applications as if they are using the Standard User account.

While this practice improves the overall security of your system, it prevents you from using the predefined, built-in role assignments that Reporting Services creates for local administrators.

Overview of Configuration Changes

The following configuration changes configure the server so that you can use standard user permissions to manage report server content and operations:

  • Add Reporting Services URLs to trusted sites. By default, Internet Explorer running on the listed operating systems runs in Protected Mode, a feature that blocks browser requests from reaching high-level processes that run on the same computer. You can disable protected mode for the report server applications by adding them as Trusted Sites.

  • Create role assignments that grant you, the report server administrator, permission to manage content and operations without having to use the Run as administrator feature on Internet Explorer. By creating role assignments for your Windows user account, you gain access to a report server with Content Manager and System Administrator permissions through explicit role assignments that replace the predefined, built-in role assignments that Reporting Services creates.

To Configure Local Report Server and Report Manager Administration

Complete the configuration steps in this section if you are browsing to a local report server and you see errors similar to the following:

  • User 'Domain\[user name]' does not have required permissions. Verify that sufficient permissions have been granted and Windows User Account Control (UAC) restrictions have been addressed.

Trusted Site Settings in the Browser

  1. Open a browser window with Run as administrator permissions. From the Start menu, click All Programs, right-click Internet Explorer, and select Run as administrator.

  2. Click Allow to continue.

  3. In the URL address, enter the Report Manager URL. For instructions, see Report Manager (SSRS Native Mode) in SQL Server Books Online.

  4. Click Tools.

  5. Click Internet Options.

  6. Click Security.

  7. Click Trusted Sites.

  8. Click Sites.

  9. Add http://<your-server-name>.

  10. Clear the check box Require server certification (https:) for all sites in this zone if you are not using HTTPS for the default site.

  11. Click Add.

  12. Click OK.

Report Manager Folder Settings

  1. In Report Manager, on the Home page, click Folder Settings.

  2. In the Folder Settings page, click Security.

  3. Click New Role Assignment.

  4. In the Group or user name field, type your Windows user account in this format: <domain>\<user>.

  5. Select Content Manager.

  6. Click OK.

Report Manager Site Settings

  1. Open your browser with administrative privileges and browse to report manager, http://<server name>/reports.

  2. Click Site Settings in the upper corner of the Home page.


    Note: If you do not see the Site Settings option, close and reopen your browser and browse to report manager with administrative privileges.

  3. Click security.

  4. Click New Role Assignment.

  5. In the Group or user name field, type your Windows user account in this format: <domain>\<user>.

  6. Select System Administrator.

  7. Click OK.

  8. Close Report Manager.

  9. Re-open Report Manager in Internet Explorer, without using Run as administrator.

To Configure SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) for local report server administration

By default, you cannot access all of the report server properties available in SQL Server Management Studio unless you start Management Studio with administrative privileges.

To configure Reporting Services role properties and role assignments so you do not need to start Management Studio with elevated permissions each time:

  • From the Start menu, click All Programs, click SQL Server 2014, right-click Management Studio, and then click Run as administrator.

  • Connect to your local Reporting Services server.

  • In the Security node, click System Roles.

  • Right-click System Administrator and then click Properties.

  • In the System Role Properties page, select View report server properties. Select any other properties you want associated with members of the system administrators role.

  • Click OK.

  • Close Management Studio

  • To add a user to the system role "system administrator", see the Report Manager Site Settings section earlier in this topic.

Now when you open Management Studio and do not explicitly select Run as administrator you have access to the report server properties.

To Configure SQL Server Data Tools BI (SSDT) to Publish to a Local Report Server

If you installed SQL Server Data Tools - Business Intelligence for Visual Studio 2012 on one of the operating systems listed in the first section of this topic, and you want SSDT to interact with a local Native mode report server, you will experiences permission errors unless you open SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) with elevated permissions or configure reporting services roles. For example, if you do not have sufficient permissions, you experience issues similar to the following:

  • When you attempt to deploy report items to the local report server, you see an error message similar to the following in the Error List window:

    • The permissions granted to user 'Domain\<user name>' are insufficient for performing this operation.

To run with elevated permissions each time you open SSDT:

  1. From the start screen, type sql server and then right-click SQL Server Data Tools for Visual Studio. Click Run as administrator

    Or, on older operating systems:

    From the Start menu, click All Programs, click SQL Server 2014, right-click SQL Server Data Tools, and then click Run as administrator.

  2. Click Continue.

  3. Click Run Program.

You should now be able to deploy reports and other items to a local report server.

To configure Reporting Services role assignments so you do not need to start SSDT with elevated permissions each time:

Additional Information

An additional and common configuration step related to Reporting Services administration is to open port 80 in Windows Firewall to allow access to the report server computer. For instructions, see Configure a Firewall for Report Server Access.

See Also

Manage a Reporting Services Native Mode Report Server