Open and Close a Report (Report Manager)

You can use Report Manager to view reports that have been published to a report server. By default, all reports open in HTML. After a report is open, you can export it to view it in other application formats. If the report contains interactive features or if it is a Report Builder report that contains interactive data, you can click the links to view additional reports or data.

To view a report

  1. Start Report Manager (SSRS Native Mode).

  2. Find a report by browsing folders or searching for a report by name. Browse folder contents by clicking a folder name or folder icon in the Contents page. Search for a report by typing all or part of the report name in the Search for text box at the top of the page.

  3. To view a report, click a report name or an icon. The following icon indicates a report:

    Report icon

    Some reports require you to provide either a user name and password or a parameter value

  4. To close the report, close Report Manager or browse to another page or folder (for example, by clicking the Back button or clicking a folder link at the top of the page).

    Closing a report does not remove it from the browser cache. You must close the browser to disconnect the report.

See Also

Searching for Reports and Other Items (Report Builder and SSRS)
Contents Page (Report Manager)
Finding, Viewing, and Managing Reports (Report Builder and SSRS )
Report Server Content Management (SSRS Native Mode)