Server Properties (Advanced Page) - Reporting Services

Use this page to set system properties on the report server. There are a number of ways to set system properties. This tool provides a graphical user interface so that you can set properties without having to write code.

To open this page, start SQL Server Management Studio, connect to a report server instance, right-click the report server name, and select Properties. Click Advanced to open this page.


Indicates whether the My Reports feature is enabled. A value of true indicates that the feature is enabled.

The name of the role used when creating security policies on user's My Reports folders. The default value is My Reports Role.

Determines whether the RSClientPrint ActiveX control is available for download from the report server. The valid values are true and false. The default value is true. For more information about additional settings that are required for this control, see Enable and Disable Client-Side Printing for Reporting Services.

Indicates whether report execution logging is enabled. The default value is true. For more information about the report server execution log, see Report Server Execution Log and the ExecutionLog3 View.

The number of days to keep report execution information in the execution log. Valid values for this property include -1 through 2,147,483,647. If the value is -1 entries are not deleted from the Execution Log table. The default value is 60.

The length of time, in seconds, that a session remains active. The default value is 600.

This is a read-only property that indicates the server mode. If this value is False, the report server runs in native mode.

The name of the report server site displayed in the page title of Report Manager. The default value is SQL Server Reporting Services. This property can be an empty string. The maximum length is 8,000 characters.

Specifies the maximum number of days that a stored parameter can be stored. Valid values are -1, +1 through 2,147,483,647. The default value is 180 days.

Specifies the maximum number of parameter values that can be stored by the report server. Valid values are -1, +1 through 2,147,483,647. The default value is 1500.

Indicates whether the report server should use session cookies when communicating with client browsers. The default value is true.

Determines the length of time within which an external image file must be retrieved before the connection is timed out. The default is 600 seconds.

Defines how snapshots are compressed. The default value is SQL. The valid values are as follows:

SQL = Snapshots are compressed when stored in the report server database. This is the current behavior.

None = Snapshots are not compressed.

All = Snapshots are compressed for all storage options, which include the report server database or the file system.

The default report processing timeout value, in seconds, for all reports managed in the report server namespace. This value can be overridden at the report level. If this property is set, the report server attempts to stop the processing of a report when the specified time has expired. Valid values are -1 through 2,147,483,647. If the value is -1, reports in the namespace do not time out during processing. The default value is 1800.

The maximum number of snapshots that are stored for a report. Valid values are -1 through 2,147,483,647. If the value is -1, there is no snapshot limit.

Determines whether Windows integrated security is supported for report data source connections. The default is True. The valid values are as follows:

True = Windows integrated security is enabled.

False = Windows integrated security is not enabled. Report data sources that are configured to use Windows integrated security will not run.

Select this option to specify whether users can perform ad hoc report execution from a Report Builder report. Setting this option determines the value of the EnableLoadReportDefinition property on the report server.

If you clear this option, the property will be set to False and report server will not generate clickthrough reports for reports that use a report model as a data source. Any calls to the LoadReportDefinition method will be blocked.

Turning off this option mitigates a threat whereby a malicious user launches a denial of service attack by overloading the report server with LoadReportDefinition requests.

Includes external error information (for example, error information about report data sources) with the error messages that are returned for users who request reports from remote computers. Valid values are true and false. The default value is false. For more information, see Enable Remote Errors (Reporting Services).

Specifies whether Report Builder installation package can be downloaded from the report server. If you clear this setting, the URL to Report Builder will not work. For more information, see Configure Report Builder Access.

Specifies the number of data cache entries that can be active in a report edit session. The default number is 5.

Specifies the number of seconds until a report edit session times out. The default value is 7200 seconds (2 hours).

Indicates whether detailed error messages are sent to the client computer when users test data source connections using the report server. The default value is true. If the option is set to false, only generic error messages are sent.

See Also

Set Report Server Properties (Management Studio)
Connect to a Report Server in Management Studio
Reporting Services Properties
Report Server in Management Studio F1 Help
Report Server System Properties
Script Deployment and Administrative Tasks
Enable and Disable My Reports