Errors and Events Reference (Reporting Services)

This topic provides information about errors and events for SQL Server Reporting Services. The Reporting Services log files also contain error information. For more information about the types of log files that are available and how to view the logs, see Reporting Services Log Files and Sources.

Cause and Resolution for Reporting Services Error Messages

Cause and resolution information is available for the errors most frequently searched for on the Microsoft Web sites. For more information, see Cause and Resolution of Reporting Services Errors.

Report Server Events

The following report server events are recorded in the Microsoft Windows application log.

Event ID Type Category Source Description
106 Error Scheduling Report Server SQL Server Agent must be running when you define a scheduled operation (for example, report subscription and delivery).
107 Error Startup/Shutdown Report Server

Scheduling and Delivery Processor
<Source> cannot connect to the report server database. For more information, see Report Server Windows Service (MSSQLServer) 107.
108 Error Extension Report Server

Report Manager
<Source> cannot load a delivery, data processing, or rendering extension.

Most likely, this is the result of an incomplete deployment or removal of an extension. For more information, see Deploying a Data Processing Extension and Deploying a Delivery Extension.
109 Information Management Report Server

Report Manager
A configuration file has been modified. For more information, see Reporting Services Configuration Files.
110 Warning Management Report Server

Report Manager
A setting in one of the configuration files has been modified such that it is no longer valid. A default value will be used instead. For more information, see Reporting Services Configuration Files.
111 Error Logging Report Server

Report Manager
<Source> cannot create the trace log. For more information, see Report Server Service Trace Log.
112 Warning Security Report Server The report server has detected a possible denial of service attack. For more information, see Reporting Services Security and Protection.
113 Error Logging Report Server The report server cannot create a performance counter.
114 Error Startup/Shutdown Report Manager Report Manager cannot connect to the Report Server service.
115 Warning Scheduling Scheduling and Delivery Processor A scheduled task in the SQL Server Agent queue has been modified or deleted.
116 Error Internal Report Server

Report Manager

Scheduling and Delivery Processor
An internal error occurred.
117 Error Startup/Shutdown Report Server The report server database is an invalid version.
118 Warning Logging Report Server

Report Manager
The trace log is not at the expected directory location; a new trace log will be created in the default directory. For more information, see Report Server Service Trace Log.
119 Error Activation Report Server

Scheduling and Delivery Processor
<Source> has not been granted access to the contents of the report server database.
120 Error Activation Report Server The symmetric key cannot be decrypted. Most likely, the there has been a change to the account that the service runs as. For more information, see Configure and Manage Encryption Keys (SSRS Configuration Manager).
121 Error Startup/Shutdown Report Server Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Service failed to start.
122 Warning Delivery Scheduling and Delivery Processor Scheduling and Delivery Processor cannot connect to the SMTP server that is used for e-mail delivery. For more information about SMTP server connections, see Configure a Report Server for E-Mail Delivery (SSRS Configuration Manager).
123 Warning Logging Report Server

Report Manager
The report server failed to write to the trace log. For more information about trace logs, see Report Server Service Trace Log.
124 Information Activation Report Server The Report Server service has been initialized. For more information, see Initialize a Report Server (SSRS Configuration Manager).
125 Information Activation Report Server The key used for encrypting data was successfully extracted. For more information about keys, see Configure and Manage Encryption Keys (SSRS Configuration Manager).
126 Information Activation Report Server The key used for encrypting data was successfully applied. For more information about keys, see Configure and Manage Encryption Keys (SSRS Configuration Manager).
127 Information Activation Report Server Encrypted content was successfully removed from the report server database. For more information about deleting non-recoverable encrypted data, see Configure and Manage Encryption Keys (SSRS Configuration Manager).
128 Error Activation Report Server Reporting Services components from different editions cannot be used together.
129 Error Management Report Server

Scheduling and Delivery Processor
An encrypted configuration file setting in cannot be decrypted.
130 Error Management Report Server

Scheduling and Delivery Processor
<Source> cannot find the configuration file. Configuration files are required by the report server.
131 Error Security Report Server

Scheduling and Delivery Processor
An encrypted user data value could not be decrypted.
132 Error Security Report Server A failure occurred during encryption of user data. The value cannot be saved.
133 Error Management Report Server

Report Manager

Scheduling and Delivery Processor
A configuration file failed to load. This error may occur if the XML is not valid.
134 Error Management Report Server The report server failed to encrypt values for a setting in a configuration file.

See Also

Monitor Reporting Services Subscriptions
Reporting Services Log Files and Sources