Settings.DefaultFile Property

Gets or sets the default data file directory for the instance of Microsoft SQL Server.

Namespace:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo
Assembly:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo (in Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo.dll)


<SfcPropertyAttribute> _
Public Property DefaultFile As String
Dim instance As Settings
Dim value As String

value = instance.DefaultFile

instance.DefaultFile = value
public string DefaultFile { get; set; }
property String^ DefaultFile {
    String^ get ();
    void set (String^ value);
member DefaultFile : string with get, set
function get DefaultFile () : String
function set DefaultFile (value : String)

Property Value

Type: System.String
A String value that specifies the default data file directory for the instance of SQL Server.


The default data file is where the data files are stored on the instance of SQL Server unless otherwise specified in the FileName property. This directory contains the .ndf primary data files and the .mdf secondary data files. This is set to C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10\MSSQL\Data by default.