Web Configuration Reference (Master Data Services)

Master Data Services uses a Web.config file to contain the configuration settings that enable Internet Information Services (IIS) to host the Master Data Manager Web application and the Web service. This Web.config file is located in the WebApplication folder of the Master Data Services installation path. For more information about the path and permissions, see Folder and File Permissions (Master Data Services).

Web.Config Elements

The Web.config file contains a custom Master Data Services element, <masterDataServices>, in addition to standard IIS, .NET Framework, ASP.NET, and Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) configuration elements. The following table describes the elements included in the Web.config file.

Configuration Element



Custom element. Connects the Master Data Services Web service to a Master Data Services database.


ASP.NET element. For more information, see connectionStrings Element (ASP.NET Settings Schema) in the MSDN Library.


ASP.NET element. For more information, see system.web Element (ASP.NET Settings Schema) in the MSDN Library.


.NET Framework element. For more information, see <startup> Element in the MSDN Library.


.NET Framework element. For more information, see <runtime> Element in the MSDN Library.


.NET Framework element. For more information, see <system.codedom> Element in the MSDN Library.


ASP.NET element. For more information, see system.web.extensions Element (ASP.NET Settings Schema) in the MSDN Library.


Section group that contains IIS elements. For more information, see system.webServer Section Group [IIS 7 Settings Schema] in the MSDN Library.


WCF element. For more information, see <system.serviceModel> in the MSDN Library.


.NET Framework element. For more information, see <system.diagnostics> Element in the MSDN Library.


ASP.NET element. For more information, see appSettings Element (General Settings Schema) in the MSDN Library.

masterDataServices Element

The <masterDataServices> element is a custom element that is used to connect a Master Data Services Web service to a Master Data Services database.


   <instance virtualPath="path" siteName="name" connectionName="name" serviceName="name" />

Elements and Attributes




Child element. Contains attributes that specify information for the Web service and database connection string.


Attribute. Specifies the virtual path of the Master Data Manager Web application and service. This corresponds to the path attribute of the <application> element under the <site> element in the IIS ApplicationHost.config file.


Attribute. Specifies the name of the site that hosts the Master Data Manager Web application and service. This corresponds to the name attribute of the <site> element under <sites> in the IIS ApplicationHost.config file.


Attribute. Specifies the name of the connection to use. This corresponds to the name attribute of the <add> element under the <connectionStrings> element in Web.config.


Attribute. Specifies the name of the Web service. This corresponds to the name attribute of the <service> element under the <services> element in Web.config.


The following example demonstrates a service named MDS1 on the Contoso site and /MDS path using a connection string specified by MDSDB.

   <instance virtualPath="/MDS" siteName="Contoso" connectionName="MDSDB" serviceName="MDS1" />