XEStore Class

The XEStore class is the base class for all metadata classes and runtime classes.

Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.XEvent
Assembly:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.XEvent (in Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.XEvent.dll)


Public NotInheritable Class XEStore _
    Inherits SfcInstance _
    Implements ISfcDomain, ISfcDomainLite, ISfcHasConnection
Dim instance As XEStore
public sealed class XEStore : SfcInstance, 
    ISfcDomain, ISfcDomainLite, ISfcHasConnection
public ref class XEStore sealed : public SfcInstance, 
    ISfcDomain, ISfcDomainLite, ISfcHasConnection
type XEStore =  
        inherit SfcInstance 
        interface ISfcDomain 
        interface ISfcDomainLite 
        interface ISfcHasConnection 
public final class XEStore extends SfcInstance implements ISfcDomain, ISfcDomainLite, ISfcHasConnection

The XEStore type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method XEStore Initializes a new instance of the XEStore class.



  Name Description
Protected property AbstractIdentityKey Do not reference this member directly in your code. It supports the SQL Server infrastructure. (Inherited from SfcInstance.)
Public property EtwClassicSyncTargetInfo Gets the etw_classic_sync_target TargetInfo object.
Public property EventCounterTargetInfo Gets the event counter target information.
Public property EventFileTargetInfo Gets the event file target information.
Public property HistogramTargetInfo Gets the histogram target information.
Public property IdentityKey Gets an SfcKey for the XEStore object.
Public property Metadata Returns metadata about the instance and its domain. (Inherited from SfcInstance.)
Public property Name Gets the name of XEStore object.
Public property ObjectInfoSet Gets the singleton reference to the XEStore.ObjectMetadata.
Public property Package0Package Gets the package0 Package object.
Public property Packages Gets the packages PackageCollection.
Public property PairMatchingTargetInfo Gets the pair_matching TargetInfo object.
Public property Parent Gets or sets the instance parent via the keychain. (Inherited from SfcInstance.)
Public property Properties Returns a collection instance properties. (Inherited from SfcInstance.)
Public property RingBufferTargetInfo Gets the ring_buffer TargetInfo object.
Public property RunningSessionCount Gets the running session count.
Public property Sessions Gets the sessions collection.
Public property SfcConnection Gets or sets the SFC connection.
Protected property State Returns the state of the SfcInstance object. (Inherited from SfcInstance.)
Public property Urn Returns the uniform resource name of the SfcInstance object. (Inherited from SfcInstance.)



  Name Description
Protected method CreateIdentityKey Do not reference this member directly in your code. It supports the SQL Server infrastructure. (Inherited from SfcInstance.)
Public method CreateSession Represents a wrapper for Session constructor that is used to avoid accidentally passing the wrong parent.
Public method CreateSessionFromTemplate Creates a Session object from template file specified by the fileName parameter.
Public method Discover Do not reference this member directly in your code. It supports the SQL Server infrastructure. (Inherited from SfcInstance.)
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Public method FormatPredicateExpression Gets the string representation of the predicate expression.
Protected method GetChildCollection Do not reference this member directly in your code. It supports the SQL Server infrastructure. (Inherited from SfcInstance.)
Public method GetDomain Do not reference this member directly in your code. It supports the SQL Server infrastructure. (Inherited from SfcInstance.)
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetPropertySet Returns the set of properties for the SfcInstance object. (Inherited from SfcInstance.)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method GetTypeMetadataImpl Indicates the domains that override by returning the right TypeMetadata class directly. Do not reference this member directly in your code. It supports the SQL Server infrastructure. (Inherited from SfcInstance.)
Protected method InitializeUIPropertyState Do not reference this member directly in your code. It supports the SQL Server infrastructure. (Inherited from SfcInstance.)
Protected method OnPropertyMetadataChanges Invoked whenever the effective value of any SfcInstance metadata is updated. (Inherited from SfcInstance.)
Protected method OnPropertyValueChanges Invoked whenever the effective value of any SfcInstance property is updated. (Inherited from SfcInstance.)
Public method Refresh Refreshes the object's properties by reading them from the server. (Inherited from SfcInstance.)
Protected method ResetKey Do not reference this member directly in your code. It supports the SQL Server infrastructure. (Inherited from SfcInstance.)
Public methodStatic member SaveSessionToTemplate Saves the session to template.
Public method Serialize Serializes the instance to XML. (Inherited from SfcInstance.)
Public method ToString The string identity of a policy store is the associated server name. (Overrides SfcInstance.ToString().)



  Name Description
Public event PropertyChanged CLS-compliant event for property changes. (Inherited from SfcInstance.)
Public event PropertyMetadataChanged CLS-compliant event for property metadata changes. (Inherited from SfcInstance.)


Explicit Interface Implementations

  Name Description
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate method ISfcDomain.GetExecutionEngine Gets the execution engine.
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate method ISfcDomain.GetKey Gets the key object given an Urn fragment
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate method ISfcDomain.GetType Gets the Type of a class, such as XEStore, Package, EventInfo, EventColumnInfo, or TargetInfo, from the name specified by the typeName parameter.
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate method ISfcDomain.GetTypeMetadata Gets the type metadata of a class specified by the typeName parameter.
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate method ISfcDomain.UseSfcStateManagement XEvent uses Sfc-provided state management.
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate property ISfcDomainLite.DomainInstanceName Gets the name of the domain instance.
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate property ISfcDomainLite.DomainName Gets the name of the domain.
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate method ISfcDomainLite.GetLogicalVersion Returns the logical version of the domain.
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate property ISfcHasConnection.ConnectionContext Gets the SfcConnectionContext.
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate method ISfcHasConnection.GetConnection() Gets the current connection for a query.
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate method ISfcHasConnection.GetConnection(SfcObjectQueryMode) Gets the current connection for a query.
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate method ISfcHasConnection.SetConnection Sets the active connection.


Thread Safety

Any public static (Shared in Visual Basic) members of this type are thread safe. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe.

See Also


Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.XEvent Namespace