MergePublication.MergeSubscriptions Property

Gets the subscriptions that belong to a merge publication.

Namespace:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication
Assembly:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Rmo (in Microsoft.SqlServer.Rmo.dll)


Public ReadOnly Property MergeSubscriptions As MergeSubscriptionCollection 
Dim instance As MergePublication 
Dim value As MergeSubscriptionCollection 

value = instance.MergeSubscriptions
public MergeSubscriptionCollection MergeSubscriptions { get; }
property MergeSubscriptionCollection^ MergeSubscriptions {
    MergeSubscriptionCollection^ get ();
member MergeSubscriptions : MergeSubscriptionCollection
function get MergeSubscriptions () : MergeSubscriptionCollection

Property Value

Type: Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.MergeSubscriptionCollection
The collection of subscriptions that belong to a merge publication.


A MergeSubscription object in the collection can be accessed from MergeSubscriptions using an [Int32] index value or using a String index that is the Name property of the article.

The MergeSubscriptions property can be retrieved by members of the db_owner or replmonitor fixed database roles on the publication database or by members of the publication access list (PAL) for the publication.

Retrieving MergeSubscriptions is equivalent to executing sp_helpmergepublication.

See Also


MergePublication Class

Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication Namespace