Publication.FtpPort Property

Gets or sets the port of the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) server computer for publications that allow subscription initialization over FTP.

Namespace:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication
Assembly:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Rmo (in Microsoft.SqlServer.Rmo.dll)


Public Property FtpPort As Integer 
Dim instance As Publication 
Dim value As Integer 

value = instance.FtpPort

instance.FtpPort = value
public int FtpPort { get; set; }
property int FtpPort {
    int get ();
    void set (int value);
member FtpPort : int with get, set
function get FtpPort () : int 
function set FtpPort (value : int)

Property Value

Type: System.Int32
The port of the FTP server.


The default value of FtpPort is 21.

The FtpPort property can only be retrieved by members of the sysadmin fixed server role at the Publisher, by members of the db_owner fixed database role on the publication database, or by users in the publication access list (PAL).

The FtpPort property can only be set by members of the sysadmin fixed server role at the Publisher or by members of the db_owner fixed database role on the publication database. Users in the PAL can set the FtpPort property of an existing publication.

Retrieving the FtpPort property is equivalent to executing sp_helppublication (Transact-SQL) or sp_helpmergepublication (Transact-SQL).

Setting the FtpPort property is equivalent to executing sp_addpublication (Transact-SQL) and sp_changepublication (Transact-SQL) or sp_addmergepublication (Transact-SQL) and sp_changemergepublication (Transact-SQL).

See Also


Publication Class

Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication Namespace

Other Resources

Transfer Snapshots Through FTP