Step 4: Adding a Data Flow Task to the Package
After you have created the connection managers for the source and destination data, the next task is to add a Data Flow task to your package. The Data Flow task encapsulates the data flow engine that moves data between sources and destinations, and provides the functionality for transforming, cleaning, and modifying data as it is moved. The Data Flow task is where most of the work of an extract, transform, and load (ETL) process occurs.
SQL Server Integration Services separates data flow from control flow.
To add a Data Flow task
Click the Control Flow tab.
In the Toolbox, expand Control Flow Items, and drag a Data Flow Task onto the design surfaceof the Control Flow tab.
On the Control Flow design surface, right-click the newly added Data Flow Task, click Rename, and change the name to Extract Sample Currency Data.
It is good practice to provide unique names to all components that you add to a design surface. For ease of use and maintainability, the names should describe the function that each component performs. Following these naming guidelines allows your Integration Services packages to be self-documenting. Another way to document your packages is by using annotations. For more information about annotations, see Use Annotations in Packages.
Right-click the Data Flow task, click Properties, and in the Properties window, verify that the LocaleID property is set to English (United States).
Next Task in Lesson
Step 5: Adding and Configuring the Flat File Source