Check In Files

To make source-controlled files that you have modified available to other users, you must check the files into source control. When you check in a file, the version you check in is written to the source control provider and becomes the latest version of the file.

You can use the Check In command to check in files. If you use this command to check in a solution or project, all the files in the solution or project are also checked in. However, checking in an individual source code file does not result in the check-in of the project or solution to which it belongs.

To check in a file

  1. In Solution Explorer, right-click the file to check in, and then click Check In.

  2. If the Check In dialog box appears, select the appropriate options, and then click OK.

    • Check In
      Check in all the selected items.

    • Columns
      Identify the columns to display and the order in which they are displayed.

    • Comments
      Add a comment to associate with the check-in operation.

    • Don't show Check in dialog box when checking in items
      Suppress the dialog box during check-in operations.

    • Flat View
      Display the files you are checking in as flat lists under their source control connection.

    • Name
      Displays the names of the items to check in. Items appear with the check boxes next to them selected. If you do not want to check in a particular item, clear its check box.

    • Options
      Displays source control plug-in-specific check-in options when the arrow to the right of the button is clicked.

    • Sort
      Sort the order of the display columns.

    • Tree View
      Display the folder and file hierarchy for the items you are checking in.

If the file you have checked in is not part of a shared checkout, the SQL Server Management Studio environment checks in the file immediately. Otherwise, it may prompt you to merge your version with versions created by other users.

See Also


View a List of Modified Files


Manage Checkins