JobStep.RetryAttempts Property

Gets or sets the maximum number of times a job step is retried before it is returned with a completion status of failure.

Namespace:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Agent
Assembly:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo (in Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo.dll)


<SfcPropertyAttribute(SfcPropertyFlags.Standalone)> _
Public Property RetryAttempts As Integer 
Dim instance As JobStep 
Dim value As Integer 

value = instance.RetryAttempts

instance.RetryAttempts = value
public int RetryAttempts { get; set; }
property int RetryAttempts {
    int get ();
    void set (int value);
member RetryAttempts : int with get, set
function get RetryAttempts () : int 
function set RetryAttempts (value : int)

Property Value

Type: System.Int32
An Int32 value that specifies the number of times a job step is retried.


Microsoft SQL Server Agent job steps are assigned simple logic determining job execution behavior on step success or failure.

If the job step is completed successfully, job execution branches to follow the on-success action for the step. If the number of execution attempts reaches the value of the RetryAttempts property, job execution branches to follow the on-failure action for the step.

When a job step fails, and the step is flagged for retry, SQL Server Agent can pause between execution attempts for the length of time specified in the RetryInterval property


Scheduling Automatic Administrative Tasks in SQL Server Agent

See Also


JobStep Class

Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Agent Namespace

Other Resources

Automated Administration Tasks (SQL Server Agent)

sp_help_jobstep (Transact-SQL)