
Creates an ISyncChange object or an ISyncChangeBuilder object.

HRESULT CreateSyncChange(
  const BYTE * pbOwnerReplicaId, 
  const BYTE * pbItemId, 
  const SYNC_VERSION * pChangeVersion,
  const SYNC_VERSION * pCreationVersion, 
  DWORD dwFlags,
  REFIID riid,
  void ** ppUnknown);


  • pbOwnerReplicaId
    [in] The ID of the replica that originated this change.
  • pbItemId
    [in] The ID of the item that was changed.
  • pChangeVersion
    [in] The version of the change.
  • pCreationVersion
    [in] The creation version of the item.
  • dwFlags
    [in] Flags that specify additional information about the change.
  • riid
    [in] The IID of the object to build. The following values are valid:

    • IID_ISyncChange

    • IID_ISyncChangeBuilder

  • ppUnknown
    [out, iid_is(riid)] Returns the newly created object.

Return Value

  • S_OK



  • E_INVALIDARG when riid is not IID_ISyncChange or IID_ISyncChangeBuilder; or when riid is IID_ISyncChangeBuilder and dwFlags contains either SYNC_CHANGE_FLAG_DOES_NOT_EXIST or SYNC_CHANGE_FLAG_DELETED.

  • SYNC_E_INVALID_OPERATION when this object is not initialized.

See Also


IProviderSyncServices Interface