KnowledgeSyncProvider.GetChangeBatch Method

When overridden in a derived class, gets a change batch that contains item metadata for items that are not contained in the specified knowledge from the destination provider.

Namespace: Microsoft.Synchronization
Assembly: Microsoft.Synchronization (in microsoft.synchronization.dll)


Public MustOverride Function GetChangeBatch ( _
    batchSize As UInteger, _
    destinationKnowledge As SyncKnowledge, _
    <OutAttribute> ByRef changeDataRetriever As Object _
) As ChangeBatch
Dim instance As KnowledgeSyncProvider
Dim batchSize As UInteger
Dim destinationKnowledge As SyncKnowledge
Dim changeDataRetriever As Object
Dim returnValue As ChangeBatch

returnValue = instance.GetChangeBatch(batchSize, destinationKnowledge, changeDataRetriever)
public abstract ChangeBatch GetChangeBatch (
    uint batchSize,
    SyncKnowledge destinationKnowledge,
    out Object changeDataRetriever
virtual ChangeBatch^ GetChangeBatch (
    unsigned int batchSize, 
    SyncKnowledge^ destinationKnowledge, 
    [OutAttribute] Object^% changeDataRetriever
) abstract
public abstract ChangeBatch GetChangeBatch (
    UInt32 batchSize, 
    SyncKnowledge destinationKnowledge, 
    /** @attribute OutAttribute() */ /** @ref */ Object changeDataRetriever
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  • batchSize
    The number of changes to include in the change batch.
  • destinationKnowledge
    The knowledge from the destination provider. This knowledge must be mapped by calling MapRemoteKnowledgeToLocal on the source knowledge before it can be used for change enumeration.
  • changeDataRetriever
    Returns an object that can be used to retrieve change data. It can be an IChangeDataRetriever object or a provider-specific object.

Return Value

A change batch that contains item metadata for items that are not contained in the specified knowledge from the destination provider. Cannot be a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).


The same change will not appear in multiple batches.

If fewer changes than the number specified by batchSize remain, a smaller batch will be returned.

If this method is called when no changes remain, it throws InvalidOperationException.

Notes to Implementers: If there are no more changes to send after this batch, IsLastBatch must be set to true on the returned change batch. Otherwise, Sync Framework calls GetChangeBatch again to retrieve another batch of changes.


The following example gets a change batch from the metadata store.

public override ChangeBatch GetChangeBatch(uint batchSize, SyncKnowledge destinationKnowledge, out object changeDataRetriever)
    // Return this object as the IChangeDataRetriever object that is called to retrieve item data.
    changeDataRetriever = this;

    // Call the metadata store to get a batch of changes.
    return _itemStore.ContactReplicaMetadata.GetChangeBatch(batchSize, destinationKnowledge);

The following example shows the GetChangeBatch method that is called in the previous example. This example creates a ChangeBatch object and starts an ordered group. It adds an item to the ordered group when the item is not contained in the destination knowledge.

public override ChangeBatch GetChangeBatch(uint batchSize, SyncKnowledge destinationKnowledge)
    // The destination knowledge must be converted to be compatible with the source replica
    // before it can be used.
    SyncKnowledge mappedDestKnowledge = _knowledge.MapRemoteKnowledgeToLocal(destinationKnowledge);

    // Create a new change batch, initialized by using the current knowledge of the source replica
    // and a new ForgottenKnowledge object.
    ChangeBatch changeBatch = new ChangeBatch(IdFormats, GetKnowledge(), new ForgottenKnowledge());

    // Start a group of changes in the change batch. The group is ordered by item ID.
    // _getChangeBatchCurrent is 0 the first time GetChangeBatch is called, and is used to track the
    // position in the metadata store for subsequent calls to GetChangeBatch.
    // itemsAdded is incremented each time a change is added to the change batch. When itemsAdded
    // is greater than the requested batch size, enumeration stops and the change batch is returned.
    int itemsAdded = 0;
    ItemMetadata itemMeta;

    // Enumerate items and add a change to the change batch if it is not contained in the 
    // destination knowledge.
    // _items is a SortedList that contains ItemMetadata objects that are ordered by item ID.
    for (; itemsAdded <= batchSize && _getChangeBatchCurrent < _items.Count; _getChangeBatchCurrent++)
        itemMeta = _items.Values[_getChangeBatchCurrent];
        ChangeKind kind = (itemMeta.IsDeleted) ? ChangeKind.Deleted : ChangeKind.Update;
        ItemChange change = new ItemChange(IdFormats, ReplicaId, itemMeta.GlobalId, kind, itemMeta.CreationVersion, 

        // If the change is not contained in the destination knowledge, add it to the change batch.
        if (!mappedDestKnowledge.Contains(change))

    // End the group of changes in the change batch. Pass the current source knowledge.
    changeBatch.EndOrderedGroup(_items.Values[_getChangeBatchCurrent - 1].GlobalId, _knowledge);

    // When all items in the metadata store have been enumerated, set this batch as the
    // last batch.
    if (_getChangeBatchCurrent == _items.Count)

    return changeBatch;

See Also


KnowledgeSyncProvider Class
KnowledgeSyncProvider Members
Microsoft.Synchronization Namespace