Release notes for System Center Virtual Machine Manager


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VMM 1801 release notes

The following sections summarize the release notes for VMM 1801 and include the known issues and workarounds.

Latest accessibility fixes in Console are not available

Description: Latest accessibility fixes in Console might not be available when you use .NET 4.7 while installing the VMM Console.

Workaround: We recommend using .NET 4.7.1 while installing the VMM Console. For detailed information on .NET 4.7.1 migration, see the article on .NET migration .

Backend adapter connectivity for SLB MUX doesn't work as expected

Description: Backend adapter connectivity of SLB MUX might not work as expected after VM migration.

Workaround: Users scale in/scale out in the SLB MUX VM as a workaround.

Connectivity issues for SLB addresses

Description: For frontend and backend IP addresses assigned to Software Load Balancer MUX VMs, you might experience connectivity issues if Register this connection's address in DNS is selected.

Workaround: Clear the setting to avoid issues with these IP addresses.

Upgrade might fail if the name of a default port classification has been changed

Description: When you change the original name of a default port classification and then try to upgrade to VMM 1801 – upgrade might fail with the following error message in the VMM setup log.

Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_tbl_NetMan_PortClassification'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.tbl_NetMan_PortClassification'.

Workaround: Change the port classification name back to the original name, and then trigger the upgrade. After the upgrade, you can change the default name to a different one.

Set-SCVMSubnet -RemovePortACL job completes in VMM without removing portACL association from NC VMSubnet object

Description: Set-SCVMSubnet -RemovePortACL job completes in VMM without removing portACL association from NC VMSubnet object, due to which Remove-PortACL job fails with NC Exception that is still in use.

Workaround: Remove the VMSubnet from VMM and then remove Port-ACL.

Import-Module NetworkController

#Replace the URI of the Network Controller with REST IP or FQDN

$uri = "<NC FQDN or IP>"

#Provide NC Admin credentials

$cred = Get-Credential

#Identify the virtual network that contains the subnet

$vnet = Get-NetworkControllerVirtualNetwork -ConnectionUri $uri -ResourceId "Fabrikam_VNet1" -Credential $cred

#Identify the subnet for which the ACL needs to be removed

$vnet.Properties.Subnets[0].Properties = $vnet.Properties.Subnets[0].Properties | Select-Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty AccessControlList


New-NetworkControllerVirtualNetwork -ResourceId "Fabrikam_VNet1" -ConnectionUri $uri –Properties $vnet.Properties -Credential $cred

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What's new in Virtual Machine Manager