CEnumeratorAccessor Class


The latest version of this topic can be found at CEnumeratorAccessor Class.

Used by CEnumerator to access the data from the enumerator rowset.


class CEnumeratorAccessor  


Data Members

m_bIsParent A variable indicating whether the enumerator is a parent enumerator, if the row is an enumerator.
m_nType A variable indicating whether the row describes a data source or an enumerator.
m_szDescription The description of the data source or enumerator.
m_szName The name of the data source or enumerator.
m_szParseName String to pass to IParseDisplayName to obtain a moniker for the data source or enumerator.


This rowset consists of the data sources and enumerators visible from the current enumerator.


Header: atldbcli.h

See Also

OLE DB Consumer Templates
OLE DB Consumer Templates Reference