Microsoft.SpecExplorer.ObjectModel Namespace
The Microsoft.SpecExplorer.ObjectModel namespace contains types used describe a transition system, which is the result of an exploration event.
The TransitionSystem class represents a complete transition system, including all the states and transitions, along with their properties and contents. Other classes represent important elements of a state machine, such as states, transitions, constraints, and so on.
To create a custom post processor, write a class that implements the IPostProcessor interface. When Spec Explorer calls a post processor, it supplies the post processor with the transition system on which to operate.
Class | Description |
ActionInvocation | An class representing an action invocation. |
ActionSymbol | A class representing an action symbol. |
AssociationReference | A type represents property association reference of a get or set method. |
ConfigSwitch | Supports the serialization infrastructure. Do not use this type. |
Constraint | A class representing a constraint. |
ExplorationResult | The object model representing an exploration result. |
ExplorationResultExtensions | A class used to persist exploration result extension. |
ExplorationResultLoader | This class supports loading exploration result file into corresponding object models. |
ExplorationResultLoadingException | Exception thrown when error occured loading exploration result |
ExplorationResultPacker | This class supports packing exploration result object models into file. |
Node | A class to represent a node in state content. It can be value, frame, thread, etc... |
ObjectModelHelpers | A class which contains extension methods to convert LINQ expressions and reflection data into serializable form. |
PostProcessorException | An exception used for customized processing to report errors, Spec Explorer will catch PostProcessorException thrown in Process method and report its message in Error List Window and Output Window. |
Probe | A class representing a probe. |
SerializableBinaryExpression | A binary and XML serializable representation of a LINQ binary expression |
SerializableConditionalExpression | A binary and XML serializable representation of a LINQ conditional expression |
SerializableConstantExpression | A binary and XML serializable representation of a LINQ constant expression |
SerializableConstructorInfo | A binary and XML serializable representation of a constructor. |
SerializableElementInit | A binary and XML serializable representation of a LINQ element initialization |
SerializableEnumExpression | A binary and XML serializable representation of a LINQ enum expression |
SerializableEventInfo | A binary and XML serializable representation of an event. |
SerializableExpression | A binary and XML serializable representation of a LINQ expression |
SerializableExpressionVisitor | visitor of SerializableExpression |
SerializableFieldInfo | A binary and XML serializable representation of a field. |
SerializableInvocationExpression | A binary and XML serializable representation of a LINQ invocation expression |
SerializableLambdaExpression | A binary and XML serializable representation of a LINQ lambda expression |
SerializableListInitExpression | A binary and XML serializable representation of a LINQ list init expression |
SerializableMemberAssignment | A binary and XML serializable representation of a LINQ member assignment |
SerializableMemberBinding | A binary and XML serializable representation of a LINQ member binding |
SerializableMemberExpression | A binary and XML serializable representation of a LINQ member expression |
SerializableMemberInfo | A binary and XML serializable representation of a member. |
SerializableMemberInitExpression | A binary and XML serializable representation of a LINQ member init expression |
SerializableMemberListBinding | A binary and XML serializable representation of a LINQ list binding |
SerializableMemberMemberBinding | A binary and XML serializable representation of a recursive LINQ member binding |
SerializableMethodBase | A binary and XML serializable representation of a method base. |
SerializableMethodCallExpression | A binary and XML serializable representation of a LINQ call expression |
SerializableMethodInfo | A binary and XML serializable representation of a method. |
SerializableNewArrayExpression | A binary and XML serializable representation of a LINQ new array expression |
SerializableNewExpression | A binary and XML serializable representation of a LINQ new expression |
SerializableParameterExpression | A binary and XML serializable representation of a LINQ parameter expression |
SerializableParameterInfo | A binary and XML serializable representation of a parameter. |
SerializablePropertyInfo | A binary and XML serializable representation of a property. |
SerializableType | A binary and XML serializable representation of a type. |
SerializableTypeBinaryExpression | A binary and XML serializable representation of a LINQ type binary expression |
SerializableUnaryExpression | A binary and XML serializable representation of a LINQ unary expression |
SharedEntitySet | A class to represent the shared entities which contains values shared among all states in a transition system. |
State | A class representing a state. |
StateContents | The object model wrapping state entities and shared entities. |
StateEntity | The object model representing state content. |
Transition | A class describing a state transition. |
TransitionSystem | A class representing the states and transitions in an exploration result, together with their properties and contents. |
TransitionSystemElement | The base class of all transition system elements. For internal purposes only; supports the serialization infrastructure. |
Interface | Description |
IPostProcessor | Interface of user customized processing |
Enumeration | Description |
ActionSymbolKind | The kind of an action. |
AssociationReferenceKind | Describes the kind of an association reference. |
ExpressionType | Describes the node types for the nodes of an expression tree. This type must be consistent with ExpressionType |
NodeKind | Describes the kind of a node. |
ProbeValueKind | The kind of probe value. |
StateFlags | A type representing the targetFlags of a state. |
StateRelationKind | Possible kinds of relation between one state and its representative. |