Form Factor Properties Dialog Box (Devices)

Provides options for changing form factor settings in device projects.

If a project is open when you make changes, the changes do not appear until you close and reopen the designer window.

To display this dialog box, click Options on the Tools menu, click Device Tools, click Form Factors, select the Form factor, and then click Properties.

  • Skin preview
    Displays preview of selected skin.

  • Skin
    Sets the skin associated with the selected form factor. To select a different skin, click the Browse button to open the appropriate XML file.

  • Enable rotation support
    Enables design-time support for rotation.

  • Horizontal resolution
    Sets the horizontal resolution of forms targeting this form factor in the Windows Forms Designer.

  • Vertical resolution
    Sets the vertical resolution of forms targeting this form factor in the Windows Forms Designer.

  • Show skin
    Displays the skin for the selected form factor around the form at design time and at emulation time. Even if you select this default, the designer shows the skin only if you have selected Show skin in the General, Device Tools, Options dialog box.

  • Screen width
    Sets the number of pixels that establish the width of the emulator display on the development computer.

    If you have selected Show skin, the width of the emulator display is already set and this control appears dimmed.

  • Screen height
    Sets the number of pixels that establish the height of the emulator display on the development computer.

    If you have selected Show skin, the height of the emulator display is already set and this control appears dimmed.

  • Color depth
    Sets a depth of bits per pixel for the emulator display. Typical values are 8, 16, and 32.

    If you have selected Show skin, the color depth of the emulator display is already set and this control appears dimmed.

See Also


How to: Change the Orientation and Resolution of Forms (Devices)

Other Resources

User Interface Reference for Devices