Microsoft.VisualStudio.Data.Schema.Package.Project.SchemaModelViewer Namespace

This namespace contains classes and interfaces that support Schema View and the Dependency Viewer.


  Class Description
Public class SchemaHierarchyBase Abstract base class for schema hierarchy generators.
Public class SchemaHierarchyUtilities This class defines useful utilities for use a Schema View hierarchy is created.
Public class SchemaModelViewerControllerBase Abstract base class for model visualizer controllers.
Public class SchemaModelViewerControllerBaseInternal The abstract base class for a Schema View Controller used by internal implementors.
Public class SchemaModelViewerInitializedEventArgs Provides data for Schema View initialization events.
Public class SchemaModelViewerService This service is available from the DataPackage instance and provides a convenient way to access the tool windows for the database project.
Public class SchemaModelViewerShownEventArgs Provides data for the DatabaseSchemaViewToolWindowShown and DependencyViewToolWindowShown events.


  Interface Description
Public interface ISchemaHierarchyGenerator This interface is implemented by classes that can populate a tree view (such as the Database Schema View) with nodes.
Public interface ISchemaHierarchyPopulator Interface for classes that generate schema hierarchy nodes. This interface is used by the generators.
Public interface ISchemaModelViewer Represents an abstract model viewer such as Schema View or Dependency Viewer.
Public interface ISchemaModelViewerController Schema View controller interface.
Public interface ISchemaModelViewerElementNode Represents a model element in the Database Schema View.
Public interface ISchemaModelViewerFolderNode This interface represents a folder that contains element types or other folders.
Public interface ISchemaModelViewerNode This is the base interface for all nodes in Schema View.
Public interface ISchemaModelViewerRootNode This interface is used for the root node. The root node usually represents the database project.