How to: Call an Overloaded Procedure (Visual Basic)

The advantage of overloading a procedure is in the flexibility of the call. The calling code can obtain the information it needs to pass to the procedure and then call a single procedure name, no matter what arguments it is passing.

To call a procedure that has more than one version defined

  1. In the calling code, determine which data to pass to the procedure.

  2. Write the procedure call in the normal way, presenting the data in the argument list. Be sure the arguments match the parameter list in one of the versions defined for the procedure.

  3. You do not have to determine which version of the procedure to call. Visual Basic passes control to the version matching your argument list.

    The following example calls the post procedure declared in How to: Define Multiple Versions of a Procedure (Visual Basic). It obtains the customer identification, determines whether it is a String or an Integer, and then in either case calls the same procedure.

    Imports MSVB = Microsoft.VisualBasic
    Dim customer As String
    Dim accountNum As Integer
    Dim amount As Single
    customer = MSVB.Interaction.InputBox("Enter customer name or number")
    amount = MSVB.Interaction.InputBox("Enter transaction amount")
        accountNum = CInt(customer)
        Call post(accountNum, amount)
        Call post(customer, amount)
    End Try

See Also


Troubleshooting Procedures (Visual Basic)

How to: Define Multiple Versions of a Procedure (Visual Basic)

How to: Overload a Procedure that Takes Optional Parameters (Visual Basic)

How to: Overload a Procedure that Takes an Indefinite Number of Parameters (Visual Basic)


Overloads (Visual Basic)


Procedures in Visual Basic

Procedure Parameters and Arguments (Visual Basic)

Procedure Overloading (Visual Basic)

Considerations in Overloading Procedures (Visual Basic)

Overload Resolution (Visual Basic)