ExtractHiddenFields.ContextParameterName Property

Gets or sets the name of the extracted property.

Namespace:  Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.WebTesting.Rules
Assembly:  Microsoft.VisualStudio.QualityTools.WebTestFramework (in Microsoft.VisualStudio.QualityTools.WebTestFramework.dll)


<BrowsableAttribute(False)> _
Public Overrides Property ContextParameterName As String
public override string ContextParameterName { get; set; }
virtual property String^ ContextParameterName {
    String^ get () override;
    void set (String^ value) override;
abstract ContextParameterName : string with get, set
override ContextParameterName : string with get, set
override function get ContextParameterName () : String
override function set ContextParameterName (value : String)

Property Value

Type: System.String
The name of the extracted property.


This name may be used for binding to data elements in subsequent requests. This is used to group/identify extracted hidden fields from a single response.

.NET Framework Security

See Also


ExtractHiddenFields Class

Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.WebTesting.Rules Namespace