VirtualPoint.CodeElement Property

Returns the code element at the VirtualPoint location.

Namespace:  EnvDTE
Assembly:  EnvDTE (in EnvDTE.dll)


ReadOnly Property CodeElement ( _
    Scope As vsCMElement _
) As CodeElement
CodeElement this[
    vsCMElement Scope
] { get; }
property CodeElement^ CodeElement[[InAttribute] vsCMElement Scope] {
    CodeElement^ get ([InAttribute] vsCMElement Scope);
abstract CodeElement : 
        Scope:vsCMElement -> CodeElement with get
JScript does not support indexed properties.


  • Scope
    Type: EnvDTE.vsCMElement

    Required. A vsCMElement constant indicating the code element with the specified kind that contains the editor location.

Property Value

Type: EnvDTE.CodeElement
A CodeElement object.


If the specified code element type is not at the VirtualPoint location, then the CodeElement object returns Nothing. The CodeElement object is a shortcut for TextPoint.Parent.Parent.ProjectItem.CodeModel.CodeElementFromPoint(TextPoint, <scope>)

.NET Framework Security

See Also


VirtualPoint Interface

EnvDTE Namespace

Other Resources

How to: Compile and Run the Automation Object Model Code Examples