DocData.ShowSaveOptionsDlg Method

Shows a dialog box from which the user can specify additional options for save formats.

Namespace:  Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Shell
Assembly:  Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Sdk.Shell.11.0 (in Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Sdk.Shell.11.0.dll)


Public Function ShowSaveOptionsDlg ( _
    dwReserved As UInteger, _
    hwndDlgParent As IntPtr, _
    pszFilename As IntPtr _
) As Integer
public int ShowSaveOptionsDlg(
    uint dwReserved,
    IntPtr hwndDlgParent,
    IntPtr pszFilename
virtual int ShowSaveOptionsDlg(
    unsigned int dwReserved, 
    IntPtr hwndDlgParent, 
    IntPtr pszFilename
) sealed
abstract ShowSaveOptionsDlg : 
        dwReserved:uint32 * 
        hwndDlgParent:IntPtr * 
        pszFilename:IntPtr -> int  
override ShowSaveOptionsDlg : 
        dwReserved:uint32 * 
        hwndDlgParent:IntPtr * 
        pszFilename:IntPtr -> int
public final function ShowSaveOptionsDlg(
    dwReserved : uint, 
    hwndDlgParent : IntPtr, 
    pszFilename : IntPtr
) : int


  • dwReserved
    Type: UInt32

    Reserved for future use.

  • hwndDlgParent
    Type: IntPtr

    The parent of the Save As dialog box.

  • pszFilename
    Type: IntPtr

    The file name of the document.

Return Value

Type: Int32
S_OK if the method succeeds; otherwise, it returns an error code.


IVsSaveOptionsDlg.ShowSaveOptionsDlg(UInt32, IntPtr, IntPtr)


This method implements the IVsSaveOptionsDlg interface.

This method is typically used to display the Advanced Save dialog box to obtain the document encoding from users.

.NET Framework Security

See Also


DocData Class

Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Shell Namespace