ValidationContext.LogWarning Method

Creates a validation warning and logs the message into the collection that the validation context maintains.

Namespace:  Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Validation
Assembly:  Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Sdk.11.0 (in Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Sdk.11.0.dll)


Public Function LogWarning ( _
    description As String, _
    code As String, _
    ParamArray elements As ModelElement() _
) As ValidationMessage
public ValidationMessage LogWarning(
    string description,
    string code,
    params ModelElement[] elements
ValidationMessage^ LogWarning(
    String^ description, 
    String^ code, 
    ... array<ModelElement^>^ elements
member LogWarning : 
        description:string * 
        code:string * 
        elements:ModelElement[] -> ValidationMessage
public function LogWarning(
    description : String, 
    code : String, 
    ... elements : ModelElement[]
) : ValidationMessage


  • description
    Type: String

    The text that describes this warning and that appears in the Error List window if a violation is found.

  • code
    Type: String

    A unique string that identifies this warning.

Return Value

Type: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Validation.ValidationMessage
A validation message that has information about the warning.


LogWarning does not send the validation warning to Visual Studio.

The VsValidationContext object causes the warning to appear in the Error List window. The description that you provide as a parameter to this method is the textual explanation that appears in the window.


The elements in the list are also highlighted if the user right-clicks in the Error List window and then clicks Previous Error or Next Error.


The following example validates whether the name of each instance of the class in which it is defined exists and that the name matches the expected format for regular expressions.

If a violation is encountered, the LogWarning method adds a warning to the list to appear in the Error List window.


    | ValidationCategory.Open
    | ValidationCategory.Save)
protected void ValidateNameCorrectForm(ValidationContext context)
    if (this.Name == null || this.Name.Trim().Length == 0 ||
            string desc = 
            context.LogWarning(desc, "WizardPageNameForm", this);


.NET Framework Security

See Also


ValidationContext Class

Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Validation Namespace