Document.GrammaticalErrors Property

Gets a ProofreadingErrors collection that represents the sentences that failed the grammar check on the document.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word
Assemblies:   Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word.v4.0.Utilities (in Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word.v4.0.Utilities.dll)
  Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word (in Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word.dll)


ReadOnly Property GrammaticalErrors As ProofreadingErrors
ProofreadingErrors GrammaticalErrors { get; }

Property Value

Type: ProofreadingErrors
A ProofreadingErrors collection that represents the sentences that failed the grammar check on the document.


There can be more than one error per sentence.

If there are no grammatical errors, the Count property for the ProofreadingErrors object returned by the GrammaticalErrors property returns 0 (zero).

.NET Framework Security

See Also


Document Interface

Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word Namespace