StackFrame2.UserCode Property

Gets a value indicating whether the frame is user code, also known as "My Code." A read-only property.

Namespace:  EnvDTE90a
Assembly:  EnvDTE90a (in EnvDTE90a.dll)


ReadOnly Property UserCode As Boolean
bool UserCode { get; }
property bool UserCode {
    bool get ();
abstract UserCode : bool with get
function get UserCode () : boolean

Property Value

Type: System.Boolean
Returns true if the frame is user code; false if the frame is not user code. Always returns true for native code.


User code is defined by the Just My Code feature. Just My Code supports managed debugging only. Because Just My Code does not support native debugging, native code is always user code by definition.

A StackFrames collection returns all frames regardless of whether Just My Code is enabled. You can use this property to determine which of the frames are user code.

.NET Framework Security

See Also


StackFrame2 Interface

EnvDTE90a Namespace