HtmlTagInnerTextParser.GetInnerTextForHtmlTags Method (String, String, String, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)

Returns an enumerable list of all the inner text that matches the specified parameters.

Namespace:  Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.WebTesting
Assembly:  Microsoft.VisualStudio.QualityTools.WebTestFramework (in Microsoft.VisualStudio.QualityTools.WebTestFramework.dll)


Public Function GetInnerTextForHtmlTags ( _
    tagName As String, _
    attributeName As String, _
    attributeValue As String, _
    hasClosingTag As Boolean, _
    removeInnerTags As Boolean, _
    collapseWhiteSpace As Boolean _
) As IEnumerable(Of HtmlTagInnerText)
public IEnumerable<HtmlTagInnerText> GetInnerTextForHtmlTags(
    string tagName,
    string attributeName,
    string attributeValue,
    bool hasClosingTag,
    bool removeInnerTags,
    bool collapseWhiteSpace
IEnumerable<HtmlTagInnerText^>^ GetInnerTextForHtmlTags(
    String^ tagName, 
    String^ attributeName, 
    String^ attributeValue, 
    bool hasClosingTag, 
    bool removeInnerTags, 
    bool collapseWhiteSpace
member GetInnerTextForHtmlTags : 
        tagName:string * 
        attributeName:string * 
        attributeValue:string * 
        hasClosingTag:bool * 
        removeInnerTags:bool * 
        collapseWhiteSpace:bool -> IEnumerable<HtmlTagInnerText> 
public function GetInnerTextForHtmlTags(
    tagName : String, 
    attributeName : String, 
    attributeValue : String, 
    hasClosingTag : boolean, 
    removeInnerTags : boolean, 
    collapseWhiteSpace : boolean
) : IEnumerable<HtmlTagInnerText>


  • tagName
    Type: String

    The name of the tag to search for.

  • attributeName
    Type: String

    The name of the attribute to match.

  • attributeValue
    Type: String

    The value of the attribute to match.

  • hasClosingTag
    Type: Boolean

    Specifies whether this tag has a closing tag.

  • removeInnerTags
    Type: Boolean

    true to filter out HTML tags from the inner text; otherwise, false.

  • collapseWhiteSpace
    Type: Boolean

    true to collapse the extra white space in the HTML document; otherwise, false.

Return Value

Type: IEnumerable<HtmlTagInnerText>
An enumerable list of the inner text of the matching tags.

.NET Framework Security

See Also


HtmlTagInnerTextParser Class

GetInnerTextForHtmlTags Overload

Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.WebTesting Namespace