IProperty Interface

A value or collection of values owned by a classifier, representing an attribute, association end, or component part.

Namespace:  Microsoft.VisualStudio.Uml.Classes
Assembly:  Microsoft.VisualStudio.Uml.Interfaces (in Microsoft.VisualStudio.Uml.Interfaces.dll)


Public Interface IProperty _
    Inherits IStructuralFeature, IFeature, IRedefinableElement, IMultiplicityElement,  _
    ITemplateableElement, IConnectableElement, ITypedElement, IParameterableElement, IDeploymentTarget,  _
    INamedElement, IElement
public interface IProperty : IStructuralFeature, 
    IFeature, IRedefinableElement, IMultiplicityElement, ITemplateableElement, IConnectableElement, 
    ITypedElement, IParameterableElement, IDeploymentTarget, INamedElement, IElement
public interface class IProperty : IStructuralFeature, 
    IFeature, IRedefinableElement, IMultiplicityElement, ITemplateableElement, IConnectableElement, 
    ITypedElement, IParameterableElement, IDeploymentTarget, INamedElement, IElement
type IProperty =  
        interface IStructuralFeature 
        interface IFeature 
        interface IRedefinableElement 
        interface IMultiplicityElement 
        interface ITemplateableElement 
        interface IConnectableElement 
        interface ITypedElement 
        interface IParameterableElement 
        interface IDeploymentTarget 
        interface INamedElement 
        interface IElement 
public interface IProperty extends IStructuralFeature, IFeature, IRedefinableElement, IMultiplicityElement, ITemplateableElement, IConnectableElement, ITypedElement, IParameterableElement, IDeploymentTarget, INamedElement, IElement

The IProperty type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property Aggregation If Composite, the object in this property forms part of the property's owner. If Aggregate, the object forms part of a collection represented by the owner, but can be shared with other owners. Default = none.
Public property ApplicableStereotypes The set of stereotypes that could be applied to this element. (Inherited from IElement.)
Public property AppliedStereotypes Each IStereotypeInstance denotes that a stereotype has been applied to this element. (Inherited from IElement.)
Public property Association If this Property represents one end of an Association, gets the Association.
Public property Class Gets the Class that owns the Property. Null if the Property is owned by another kind of Classifier such as an Interface.
Public property Classifier Gets the Classifier that owns this Property.
Public property ClientDependencies Gets the Dependency relationships for which this element is the Client. (Inherited from INamedElement.)
Public property Default Gets a String that is evaluated to give a default value for the Property when an object of the owning Classifier is instantiated.
Public property DefaultValue Gets the specification of the initial value of the property when a new instance of the owning classifier is created.
Public property DeployedElements Gets elements that have been deployed to this target. (Inherited from IDeploymentTarget.)
Public property Deployments Gets Deployments that have deployed elements to this target. (Inherited from IDeploymentTarget.)
Public property Description The description of this element. (Inherited from IElement.)
Public property Ends Gets the connector ends to which this element is connected. (Inherited from IConnectableElement.)
Public property FeaturingClassifiers Gets the Classifiers on which this Feature appears. (Inherited from IFeature.)
Public property IsComposite True if this property's Aggregation = Composite.
Public property IsDerived True if the value of this property is calculated from others. For example: Diagonal, calculated from Width and Height
Public property IsDerivedUnion True if this Property is a collection that is the union of two or more other Properties. For example, Parents is a derived union of {Mother, Father}.
Public property IsLeaf True if this element should not be specialized. That is, it should not be the target of a Generalization relationship. (Inherited from IRedefinableElement.)
Public property IsOrdered For multiplicity > 1. True if the elements in the collection form a sequence with a definite order. (Inherited from IMultiplicityElement.)
Public property IsReadOnly True if the value of the property cannot be changed. (Inherited from IStructuralFeature.)
Public property IsStatic True if this feature is shared by all the instances of its classifier. False if each instance effectively has a separate copy of the feature. (Inherited from IFeature.)
Public property IsUnique For multiplicity > 1. True if each value in the collection is different from the other values. Default = True. (Inherited from IMultiplicityElement.)
Public property LowerValue Gets the minimum number of elements allowed. Must be at least 0, and must not be *. (Inherited from IMultiplicityElement.)
Public property Name The name of this element within the Namespace that contains it. In this Namespace, there should be no other element that has this Name. (Inherited from INamedElement.)
Public property Namespace Gets the Namespace in which this element is defined. May be null. (Inherited from INamedElement.)
Public property Opposite If not empty, this Property is one end of an Association, and this gets the Property at the other end.
Public property OwnedComments Gets Comments contained in this element (not comments linked to it). (Inherited from IElement.)
Public property OwnedElements Gets Elements owned by this element. Every element has one owner, except the root IModel. (Inherited from IElement.)
Public property Owner Gets the Element that owns this element. Every element except the root IModel has one owner. (Inherited from IElement.)
Public property OwningAssociation If this Property is owned by an Association, gets the Association.
Public property OwningTemplateParameter If not null, this element is defined as a parameter in a template. (Inherited from IParameterableElement.)
Public property QualifiedName Gets the name of this element, prefixed with the Qualified Name of the Namespace that contains it. Empty if the Name is empty or if the Qualified Name of the Namespace is empty. (Inherited from INamedElement.)
Public property Signature Gets a string that describes the visibility, name, type, and multiplicity of the property. For example: + employees : Person [*]
Public property TemplateBindings Gets the Bindings in which this element is used. (Inherited from ITemplateableElement.)
Public property TemplateParameter If not null, this element is defined as a parameter in a template. (Inherited from IParameterableElement.)
Public property Type The type of instance that can be assigned to the element. If not specified, any instance can be assigned. (Inherited from ITypedElement.)
Public property UpperValue Gets the maximum number of elements allowed. If *, there is no maximum. Must be at least 1. (Inherited from IMultiplicityElement.)
Public property Visibility Defines where the element can be referenced. Public = visible anywhere; private = visible only in the owning Namespace; protected = visible to elements that have a generalization relationship to the owning Namespace; package = visible only in the Package owning the Namespace, if there is one. Default = public. (Inherited from INamedElement.)
Public property VisibleAppliedStereotypes (Inherited from IElement.)


Extension Methods

  Name Description
Public Extension Method AddReference Links a string to an element, usually where the string is a reference such as a URI, modelbus reference, or work item ID. Use the name to indicate the type of reference. Returns an IReference object that represents the link. (Defined by UmlExtensions.)
Public Extension Method ApplyStereotype Applies the stereotype to element. Creates an IStereotypeInstance that represents the extension of the model element by the stereotype. (Defined by ProfileStereotypeExtensions.)
Public Extension Method CreateLiteralBooleanDefaultValue Create a new ILiteralBoolean object in the Property (Defined by PropertyExtensions.)
Public Extension Method CreateLiteralIntegerDefaultValue Create a new ILiteralInteger object in the Property (Defined by PropertyExtensions.)
Public Extension Method CreateLiteralStringDefaultValue Create a new ILiteralString object in the Property (Defined by PropertyExtensions.)
Public Extension Method Delete Deletes this element and any relationships, owned elements, and shapes. (Defined by UmlExtensions.)
Public Extension Method DeleteAllReference Remove all the references of a given tag. (Defined by UmlExtensions.)
Public Extension Method GetBounds The multiplicity as a string in the form [LowerValue]..[UpperValue]. (Defined by MultiplicityElementExtensions.)
Public Extension Method GetConnectedElements The elements connected to this element using Connectors. For example, if this element is a Part in a Component, this method returns the Parts and Ports that are connected to it. (Defined by ConnectableElementExtensions.)
Public Extension Method GetDependencyClients Return a collection of elements that are dependent on this. (Defined by NamedElementExtensions.)
Public Extension Method GetDependencySuppliers Return a collection of elements on which this is dependent. (Defined by NamedElementExtensions.)
Public Extension Method GetId Gets a GUID that identifies this element. (Defined by UmlExtensions.)
Public Extension Method GetModelStore Gets the IModelStore that contains this element. (Defined by UmlExtensions.)
Public Extension Method GetReferences Get the IReferences of a given tag that are associated with this element. (Defined by UmlExtensions.)
Public Extension Method GetRelatedElements<T> Gets elements related to this element by relationships of the specified type. (Defined by UmlExtensions.)
Public Extension Method GetRelatedLinks<T> Gets relationships of a specified type from or to this element. (Defined by UmlExtensions.)
Public Extension Method SetBounds Set the multiplicity LowerValue/UpperValue based on a string in the form [LowerValue]..[UpperValue]. [UpperValue] may be '*'. (Defined by MultiplicityElementExtensions.)
Public Extension Method SetNavigable Sets the navigability of this end of an association. (Defined by ClassifierExtensions.)
Public Extension Method Shapes All the shapes that display the model element on any open diagram, or on a specified open diagram. (Defined by PresentationHelpers.)




The methods defined on this type are extension methods. To use the methods, you must add a project reference to the .NET assembly Microsoft.VisualStudio.ArchitectureTools.Extensibility.dll, and you must include the directive using Microsoft.VisualStudio.ArchitectureTools.Extensibility.Uml; in your code.

See Also


Microsoft.VisualStudio.Uml.Classes Namespace