ITestRun Interface

Represents an execution of a set of tests against a specific build.

Namespace:  Microsoft.TeamFoundation.TestManagement.Client
Assembly:  Microsoft.TeamFoundation.TestManagement.Client (in Microsoft.TeamFoundation.TestManagement.Client.dll)


Public Interface ITestRun _
    Inherits ITestMessageLogOwner, ITestRunBase, IIdentifiable(Of Integer),  _
    IAttachmentOwner, INotifyPropertyChanged
public interface ITestRun : ITestMessageLogOwner, 
    ITestRunBase, IIdentifiable<int>, IAttachmentOwner, INotifyPropertyChanged
public interface class ITestRun : ITestMessageLogOwner, 
    ITestRunBase, IIdentifiable<int>, IAttachmentOwner, INotifyPropertyChanged
type ITestRun =  
        interface ITestMessageLogOwner 
        interface ITestRunBase 
        interface IIdentifiable<int>
        interface IAttachmentOwner 
        interface INotifyPropertyChanged 
public interface ITestRun extends ITestMessageLogOwner, ITestRunBase, IIdentifiable<int>, IAttachmentOwner, INotifyPropertyChanged

The ITestRun type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property Attachments Gets the collection of attachments. (Inherited from IAttachmentOwner.)
Public property BuildConfigurationId Gets the build configuration ID for this test run.
Public property BuildDirectory Gets or sets the path of the output of the build.
Public property BuildFlavor Gets or sets the flavor of the build (that is, "Release" or "Debug").
Public property BuildNumber Name of the build. (Inherited from ITestRunBase.)
Public property BuildPlatform Gets or sets the platform of the build.
Public property BuildUri Name (as a URI) of the build the run was executed against. As an example: new Uri("vstfs:///Build/Build/1") (Inherited from ITestRunBase.)
Public property Comment Comments entered by those analyzing the run. (Inherited from ITestRunBase.)
Public property Controller The name of the controller of this run (Inherited from ITestRunBase.)
Public property DateCompleted Date the last test completed. (Inherited from ITestRunBase.)
Public property DateCreated Date the run was created. (Inherited from ITestRunBase.)
Public property DateDue Gets the date that this test run is due.
Public property DateStarted Date the run was started. (Inherited from ITestRunBase.)
Public property ErrorMessage Gets or sets a short description of a failure, if any.
Public property Id Gets the identifier. (Inherited from IIdentifiable<TKey>.)
Public property IncompleteTests The number of tests that are not completed.
Public property IsAutomated Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the test run contains tests that should be automatically executed.
Public property IsBvt Gets or sets a value that indicates whether this test run is a build verification test.
Public property IsDirty Returns true if the test run has been changed since the last Save(). (Inherited from ITestRunBase.)
Public property Iteration Gets or sets the number of times that this test run has been executed.
Public property LastUpdated Date the run was last modified (title or owner set). (Inherited from ITestRunBase.)
Public property LastUpdatedBy Last person to update run (Inherited from ITestRunBase.)
Public property LastUpdatedByName Last person to update run (Inherited from ITestRunBase.)
Public property LinkedWorkItemCount The total number of bugs associated with the test results. (Inherited from ITestRunBase.)
Public property Owner User who started the run. (Inherited from ITestRunBase.)
Public property OwnerName User who started the run. (Inherited from ITestRunBase.)
Public property OwnerTeamFoundationId User who started the run. (Inherited from ITestRunBase.)
Public property PassedTests The number of tests that passed.
Public property PostProcessState Gets the state of any post-process activities that occur on the server.
Public property Project Gets the team project for this run.
Public property Revision Revision number of TestRun for concurrency control (Inherited from ITestRunBase.)
Public property State Gets the current state of this test run.
Public property Statistics Gets the statistics that detail the number of test cases in various states in this test run.
Public property TestEnvironmentId The test environment for this run (Inherited from ITestRunBase.)
Public property TestMessageLogEntries Gets a collection of test message log entries. (Inherited from ITestMessageLogOwner.)
Public property TestPlanId Returns the ID of the test plan that contains this run or 0 if this is an ad-hoc run. (Inherited from ITestRunBase.)
Public property TestSettings The test settings being used for this test run execution. Null if the run has no test settings. (Inherited from ITestRunBase.)
Public property TestSettingsId ID of the public test settings being used for this test run. (Inherited from ITestRunBase.)
Public property Title Title of the associated run template. (Inherited from ITestRunBase.)
Public property TotalTests The total number of tests in this run.
Public property Type Gets the type of this test run.
Public property UnanalyzedTests The number of tests that are not analyzed.
Public property Version Gets the client version that ran the test.



  Name Description
Public method Abort() Aborts this test run.
Public method Abort(TestRunAbortOptions) Aborts this test run by using the given options.
Public method AddTest(String) Adds a new test with given name. Must be followed by a Save()
Public method AddTest(Int32, Int32, TeamFoundationIdentity) Adds a test case and configuration to the test run.
Public method AddTest(Int32, String, String, ITmiTestImplementation) Creates a new test result in the test run against a test configuration. Does not require an existing test case for the test result. Must be followed by a Save().
Public method AddTestPoint Adds a new test point to this test run.
Public method AddTestPoints Adds new test points to the test run. Must be followed by a Save(). The test result objects returned by this call are not usable until after the save.
Public method CopyTestSettings Copy the test settings and associate it to the test run. (Inherited from ITestRunBase.)
Public method CreateAttachment(String) Creates an attachment from a file. (Inherited from IAttachmentOwner.)
Public method CreateAttachment(String, SourceFileAction) Creates an attachment from a file, optionally deleting the source file after uploading. (Inherited from IAttachmentOwner.)
Public method CreateAttachment(array<Byte[], Int32, Int32) Creates an attachment for a Test Result from a byte array. (Inherited from ITestRunBase.)
Public method CreateLogEntry Creates a test message log entry and adds it to the TestMessageLogEntryCollection. (Inherited from ITestMessageLogOwner.)
Public method Delete Removes the given test run and its results from the server. (Inherited from ITestRunBase.)
Public method QueryResults() Returns a collection that contains all test results for this test run.
Public method QueryResults(Boolean)
Public method QueryResultsByOutcome Returns a collection of test results for this test run that has the provided test outcome.
Public method QueryResultsByOwner Returns a collection of test results for this test run that has the provided test owner.
Public method QueryResultsByStatus Returns a collection of test results for this test run that has the provided test status.
Public method Refresh() Updates the run with new data from the server. (Inherited from ITestRunBase.)
Public method Refresh(DateTime) Updates the test run with the new data from the server only if there exists a test run with newer timestamp than lastUpdated parameter Returns true if test run was updated with the new data and false otherwise
Public method RefreshLogEntries Refreshes the log entries from the server. (Inherited from ITestMessageLogOwner.)
Public method Save Writes the new or updated test run to the server. (Inherited from ITestRunBase.)
Public method SaveLogEntries Saves changed log entries to the server. (Inherited from ITestMessageLogOwner.)



  Name Description
Public event AttachmentUploadCompleted This event is raised when the attachment upload is completed. (Inherited from IAttachmentOwner.)
Public event PropertyChanged Occurs when a property value changes. (Inherited from INotifyPropertyChanged.)


See Also


Microsoft.TeamFoundation.TestManagement.Client Namespace



