Factory.HasVstoObject Method (ListObject)

Returns a value that indicates whether a Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel.ListObject exists for the specified native list object.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel
Assemblies:   Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel (in Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel.dll)
  Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel.v4.0.Utilities (in Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel.v4.0.Utilities.dll)


Function HasVstoObject ( _
    listObject As ListObject _
) As Boolean
bool HasVstoObject(
    ListObject listObject


  • listObject
    Type: ListObject

    The native Excel list object to test.

Return Value

Type: System.Boolean
true if a Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel.ListObject exists for the specified ListObject object; otherwise, false.


In a document-level customization, this method returns true only if the native list object is the underlying object of a Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel.ListObject object in the current customization. Otherwise, this method returns false. For more information, see Programming Document-Level Customizations.

.NET Framework Security

See Also


Factory Interface

HasVstoObject Overload

Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel Namespace