IDialogService.DialogResult Property

Gets or sets the dialog result value, which is the value that is returned from the ShowDialog method.

Namespace:  Microsoft.TeamFoundation.MVVM
Assembly:  Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Controls (in Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Controls.dll)


Property DialogResult As Nullable(Of Boolean)
Nullable<bool> DialogResult { get; set; }
property Nullable<bool> DialogResult {
    Nullable<bool> get ();
    void set (Nullable<bool> value);
abstract DialogResult : Nullable<bool> with get, set
function get DialogResult () : Nullable<boolean>
function set DialogResult (value : Nullable<boolean>)

Property Value

Type: System.Nullable<Boolean>
Returns Boolean.

.NET Framework Security

See Also


IDialogService Interface

Microsoft.TeamFoundation.MVVM Namespace