UITestInterpreter.ExecuteAction Method

Executes the given action. The action contains an ID for the UIObject on which it acts. This ID is used to get a queryid for the object and this is passed to the invoke method of the input action object.

The Invoke method also requires an object of the UITestActionInvoker interface type. In this case the default is the UITestPlayback type that implements the UITestActionInvoker.

Namespace:  Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITest.CodeGeneration
Assembly:  Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITest.CodeGeneration (in Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITest.CodeGeneration.dll)


Protected Friend Overrides Sub ExecuteAction ( _
    action As UITestAction, _
    map As UIMap _
protected internal override void ExecuteAction(
    UITestAction action,
    UIMap map
protected public:
virtual void ExecuteAction(
    UITestAction^ action, 
    UIMap^ map
) override
abstract ExecuteAction : 
        action:UITestAction * 
        map:UIMap -> unit  
override ExecuteAction : 
        action:UITestAction * 
        map:UIMap -> unit
override function ExecuteAction(
    action : UITestAction, 
    map : UIMap


.NET Framework Security

See Also


UITestInterpreter Class

Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITest.CodeGeneration Namespace