
Call this member function to create a Windows MDI child window and attach it to the CMDIChildWnd object.

virtual BOOL Create( 
   LPCTSTR lpszClassName, 
   LPCTSTR lpszWindowName, 
   const RECT& rect = rectDefault, 
   CMDIFrameWnd* pParentWnd = NULL, 
   CCreateContext* pContext = NULL  


  • lpszClassName
    Points to a null-terminated character string that names the Windows class (a WNDCLASS structure). The class name can be any name registered with the AfxRegisterWndClass global function. Should be NULL for a standard CMDIChildWnd.

  • lpszWindowName
    Points to a null-terminated character string that represents the window name. Used as text for the title bar.

  • dwStyle
    Specifies the window style attributes. The WS_CHILD style is required.

  • rect
    Contains the size and position of the window. The rectDefault value allows Windows to specify the size and position of the new CMDIChildWnd.

  • pParentWnd
    Specifies the window's parent. If NULL, the main application window is used.

  • pContext
    Specifies a CCreateContext structure. This parameter can be NULL.

Return Value

Nonzero if successful; otherwise 0.


The currently active MDI child frame window can determine the caption of the parent frame window. This feature is disabled by turning off the FWS_ADDTOTITLE style bit of the child frame window.

The framework calls this member function in response to a user command to create a child window, and the framework uses the pContext parameter to properly connect the child window to the application. When you call Create, pContext can be NULL.


Example 1:

// CMainFrame::OnFileNewCMdiChildWnd() is a menu command handler for the  
// CMainFrame class, which in turn is a CMDIFrameWnd-derived class. 
// It shows the creation of a standard Windows MDI child window using  
// the registered CMDIChildWnd class.   
void CMainFrame::OnFileNewMdiChildWnd()
   CMDIChildWnd* pMDIChildWnd = new CMDIChildWnd;
      NULL,                                        // standard CMDIChildWnd class
      _T("My MDIChildWnd"),                        // caption of MDI child window
      rectDefault,                                 // default rectangle size 
      this));                                      // parent window; can be NULL 

   // the default PostNcDestroy handler will delete this object when destroyed

Example 2:

// CMainFrame::OnHello() is a menu command handler for the CMainFrame 
// class, which in turn is a CMDIFrameWnd-derived class. 
// It shows the creation of a Windows MDI child window using a custom 
// window class. The custom window class is registered in  
// CHelloWnd::Create(). CHelloWnd is a CMDIChildWnd-derived class. 
void CMainFrame::OnHello()
   CHelloWnd *pHelloWnd = new CHelloWnd;
   if (!pHelloWnd->Create(_T("Hello"),
      rectDefault, this))

   // the default PostNcDestroy handler will delete this object when destroyed
BOOL CHelloWnd::Create(
   LPCTSTR szTitle, 
   LONG style              /* = 0 */,
   const RECT& rect        /* = rectDefault */,
   CMDIFrameWnd* parent    /* = NULL */)
   // Setup the shared menu
   SetHandles(::LoadMenu(AfxGetInstanceHandle(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_HELLO)),

   // Register a custom WndClass and create a window. 
   // This must be done because CHelloWnd has a custom icon.
   LPCTSTR lpszHelloClass =
      AfxRegisterWndClass(CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW,
      LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW),
      LoadIcon(AfxGetInstanceHandle(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_HELLO)));

   return CMDIChildWnd::Create(lpszHelloClass, szTitle, style, rect, parent);


Header: afxwin.h

See Also


CMDIChildWnd Class

Hierarchy Chart

