Registering an Expression Evaluator

The expression evaluator (EE) must register itself as a class factory with both the Windows COM environment and Visual Studio. An EE is implemented as a DLL so that it may be injected into either the debug engine (DE) address space or the Visual Studio address space, depending on which entity instantiates the EE.

Managed Code Expression Evaluator

A managed code EE is implemented as a Class Library, which is a DLL that registers itself with the COM environment, typically started by a call to the VSIP program, regpkg.exe. The actual process of writing the registry keys for the COM environment is handled automatically.

A method of the main class is marked with the ComRegisterFunctionAttribute, indicating that that method is to be called when the DLL is being registered with COM. This registration method, often called RegisterClass, performs the task of registering the DLL with Visual Studio. A corresponding UnregisterClass (marked with the ComUnregisterFunctionAttribute), undoes the effects of RegisterClass when the DLL is uninstalled.

The same registry entries are made as for an EE written in unmanaged code; the only difference is that there is no helper function such as SetEEMetric to do the work for you. An example of this registration/unregistration process looks like this:


This function shows how a managed code EE registers and unregisters itself with Visual Studio.

namespace EEMC
    public class EEMCClass : IDebugExpressionEvaluator
        #region Register and unregister.
        private static Guid guidMycLang = new Guid("462D4A3E-B257-4AEE-97CD-5918C7531757");
        private static string languageName = "MyC";
        private static string eeName = "MyC Expression Evaluator";

        private static Guid guidMicrosoftVendor = new Guid("994B45C4-E6E9-11D2-903F-00C04FA302A1");
        private static Guid guidCOMPlusOnlyEng = new Guid("449EC4CC-30D2-4032-9256-EE18EB41B62B");
        private static Guid guidCOMPlusNativeEng = new Guid("92EF0900-2251-11D2-B72E-0000F87572EF");

        /// <summary>
        /// Register the expression evaluator.
        /// Set "project properties/configuration properties/build/register for COM interop" to true.
        /// </summary>
        public static void RegisterClass(Type t)
            // Get Visual Studio version (set by regpkg.exe)
            string hive = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("EnvSdk_RegKey");
            string s = @"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\"
                        + hive
                        + @"\AD7Metrics\ExpressionEvaluator";

            RegistryKey rk = Registry.LocalMachine.CreateSubKey(s);
            if (rk == null)  return;

            rk = rk.CreateSubKey(guidMycLang.ToString("B"));
            rk = rk.CreateSubKey(guidMicrosoftVendor.ToString("B"));
            rk.SetValue("CLSID", t.GUID.ToString("B"));
            rk.SetValue("Language", languageName);
            rk.SetValue("Name", eeName);

            rk = rk.CreateSubKey("Engine");
            rk.SetValue("0", guidCOMPlusOnlyEng.ToString("B"));
            rk.SetValue("1", guidCOMPlusNativeEng.ToString("B"));
        /// <summary>
        /// Unregister the expression evaluator.
        /// </summary>
        public static void UnregisterClass(Type t)
            // Get Visual Studio version (set by regpkg.exe)
            string hive = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("EnvSdk_RegKey");
            string s = @"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\"
                        + hive
                        + @"\AD7Metrics\ExpressionEvaluator\"
                        + guidMycLang.ToString("B");
            RegistryKey key = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(s);
            if (key != null)

Unmanaged Code Expression Evaluator

The EE DLL implements the DllRegisterServer function to register itself with the COM environment as well as Visual Studio.


The MyCEE code sample registry code can be found in the file dllentry.cpp, which is located in the VSIP installation under EnVSDK\MyCPkgs\MyCEE.

DLL Server Process

When registering the EE, the DLL server:

  1. Registers its class factory CLSID as per normal COM conventions.

  2. Calls the helper function SetEEMetric to register with Visual Studio the EE metrics shown in the following table. The function SetEEMetric and the metrics specified below are part of the dbgmetric.lib library. See SDK Helpers for Debugging for details.




    CLSID of the EE class factory


    Name of the EE as a displayable string


    The name of the language that the EE is designed to evaluate


    GUIDs of the debug engines (DE) that work with this EE


    The metricLanguageGUID identifies the language by name, but it is the guidLang argument to SetEEMetric that selects the language. When the compiler generates the debug information file, it should write the appropriate guidLang so that the DE knows which EE to use. The DE typically asks the symbol provider for this language GUID, which is stored in the debug information file.

  3. Registers with Visual Studio by creating keys under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\X.Y, where X.Y is the version of Visual Studio to register with.


This function shows how an unmanaged code (C++) EE registers and unregisters itself with Visual Studio.

    #define LREGKEY_VISUALSTUDIOROOT L"Software\\Microsoft\\VisualStudio\\8.0"

static HRESULT RegisterMetric( bool registerIt )
    // check where we should register
    const ULONG cchBuffer = _MAX_PATH;
    WCHAR wszRegistrationRoot[cchBuffer];
    DWORD cchFreeBuffer = cchBuffer - 1;
    wcscpy(wszRegistrationRoot, LREGKEY_VISUALSTUDIOROOT_NOVERSION);
    wcscat(wszRegistrationRoot, L"\\");

    // this is Environment SDK specific
    // we check for  EnvSdk_RegKey environment variable to
    // determine where to register
    cchFreeBuffer = cchFreeBuffer - cchDefRegRoot;
    DWORD cchEnvVarRead = GetEnvironmentVariableW(
        /* LPCTSTR */ L"EnvSdk_RegKey", // environment variable name
        /* LPTSTR  */ &wszRegistrationRoot[cchDefRegRoot],// buffer for variable value
        /* DWORD   */ cchFreeBuffer);// size of buffer
    if (cchEnvVarRead >= cchFreeBuffer)
        return E_UNEXPECTED;
    // If the environment variable does not exist then we must use 
    // LREGKEY_VISUALSTUDIOROOT which has the version number.
    if (0 == cchEnvVarRead)
        wcscpy(wszRegistrationRoot, LREGKEY_VISUALSTUDIOROOT);

    if (registerIt)
                    wszRegistrationRoot );
                    wszRegistrationRoot );
                    metricLanguage, L"MyC",

        GUID engineGuids[2];
        engineGuids[0] = guidCOMPlusOnlyEng;
        engineGuids[1] = guidCOMPlusNativeEng;
        RemoveEEMetric( guidMycLang,
        RemoveEEMetric( guidMycLang,
                        wszRegistrationRoot );
        RemoveEEMetric( guidMycLang,
                        wszRegistrationRoot );
        RemoveEEMetric( guidMycLang,
                        wszRegistrationRoot );

    return S_OK;

See Also


SDK Helpers for Debugging

Other Resources

Writing a Common Language Runtime Expression Evaluator