Attaching After a Launch

After a program has been launched, the debug session is ready to attach the debug engine (DE) to said program.

Design Decisions

Because communication is easier within a shared address space, you must decide whether it makes more sense to facilitate the communication between the debug session and the DE, or between the DE and the program. Choose between the following:

  • If it makes more sense to facilitate communication between the debug session and the DE, then the debug session co-creates the DE and asks the DE to attach to the program. This leaves the debug session and DE together in one address space, and the run-time environment and program together in another.

  • If it makes more sense to facilitate communication between the DE and the program, then the run-time environment co-creates the DE. This leaves the SDM in one address space, and the DE, run-time environment, and program together in another. This is typical of a DE that is implemented with an interpreter to run scripted languages.


    How the DE attaches to the program is implementation-dependent. Communication between the DE and the program is also implementation-dependent.


Programmatically, when the session debug manager (SDM) first receives the IDebugProgram2 object that represents the program to be launched, it calls the IDebugProgram2::Attach method, passing it an IDebugEventCallback2 object, which is later used to pass debug events back to the SDM. The IDebugProgram2::Attach method then calls the IDebugProgramNodeAttach2::OnAttach method. For more information on how the SDM receives the IDebugProgram2 interface, see Notifying the Port.

If your DE needs to run in the same address space as the program being debugged, typically because the DE is part of an interpreter running a script, the IDebugProgramNodeAttach2::OnAttach method returns S_FALSE, indicating that it completed the attach process.

If, on the other hand, the DE runs in the address space of the SDM, the IDebugProgramNodeAttach2::OnAttach method returns S_OK or the IDebugProgramNodeAttach2 interface is not implemented at all on the IDebugProgramNode2 object associated with the program being debugged. In this case, the IDebugEngine2::Attach method is eventually called to complete the attach operation.

In the latter case, you must call the IDebugProgram2::GetProgramId method on the IDebugProgram2 object that was passed to the IDebugEngine2::Attach method, store the GUID in the local program object, and return this GUID when the IDebugProgram2::GetProgramId method is subsequently called on this object. The GUID is used to identify the program uniquely across the various debug components.

Note that in the case of the IDebugProgramNodeAttach2::OnAttach method returning S_FALSE, the GUID to use for the program is passed to that method and it is the IDebugProgramNodeAttach2::OnAttach method that sets the GUID on the local program object.

The DE is now attached to the program and ready to send any startup events.

See Also











Attaching Directly to a Program

Notifying the Port

Debugging Tasks