Command Routing Algorithm

In Visual Studio commands are handled by a number of different components. Commands are routed from the innermost context, which is based on the current selection, to the outermost (also known as global) context. For more information, see Command Availability.

Order of Command Resolution

Commands are passed through the following levels of command context:

  1. Add-ins: The environment first offers the command to any add-ins that are present.

  2. Priority commands: These commands are registered by using IVsRegisterPriorityCommandTarget. They are called for every command in Visual Studio, and are called in the order in which they were registered.

  3. Context menu commands: A command located on a context menu is first offered to the command target that is provided to the context menu, and after that to the typical routing.

  4. Toolbar set command targets: These command targets are registered when you call SetupToolbar2. The pCmdTarget parameter can be null. If it is not null, then this command target is used to update any commands located on the toolbar you are setting up. If the shell is setting up your toolbar, then it passes the window frame as the pCmdTarget so that all updates to the commands on your toolbar flow through the window frame, even when it is not in focus.

  5. Tool Window: Tool windows, which typically implement the IVsWindowPane interface, should also implement the IOleCommandTarget interface so that Visual Studio can get the command target when the tool window is the active window. However, if the tool window that has focus is the Project window, then the command is routed to the IVsUIHierarchy interface that is the common parent of the selected items. If this selection spans multiple projects, the command is routed to the IVsSolution hierarchy. The IVsUIHierarchy interface contains the QueryStatusCommand and ExecCommand methods that are analogous to the corresponding commands on the IOleCommandTarget interface.

  6. Document Window: If the command has the RouteToDocs flag set in its .vsct file, Visual Studio looks for a command target on the document view object, which is either an instance of an IVsWindowPane interface or an instance of a document object (typically an IVsTextLines interface or a IVsTextBuffer interface). If the document view object does not support the command, Visual Studio routes the command to the IOleCommandTarget interface that is returned. (This is an optional interface for document data objects.)

  7. Current hierarchy: The current hierarchy can be the project that owns the active document window or the hierarchy that is selected in Solution Explorer. Visual Studio looks for the IOleCommandTarget interface that is implemented on the current, or active, hierarchy. The hierarchy should support commands that are valid whenever the hierarchy is active, even if a document window of a project item has focus. However, commands that apply only when Solution Explorer has focus must be supported by using the IVsUIHierarchy interface and its QueryStatusCommand and ExecCommandmethods.

    Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete, Rename, Enter, and DoubleClick commands require special handling. For information about how to handle Delete and Remove commands in hierarchies, see the IVsHierarchyDeleteHandler interface.

  8. Global: If a command has not been handled by the previously mentioned contexts, Visual Studio attempts to route it to the VSPackage that owns a command that implements the IOleCommandTarget interface. If the VSPackage has not been loaded already, it is not loaded when Visual Studio calls the QueryStatus method. The VSPackage is loaded only when the Exec method is called.

See Also

Other Resources

Command Design