
Retrieves the range for the current document position.

   DWORD* pdwBegOffset,
   DWORD* pdwEndOffset
public int GetRange(
   ref uint pdwBegOffset,
   ref uint pdwEndOffset


  • pdwBegOffset
    [in, out] Offset for the start position of the range. Set this parameter to a null value if this information is not needed.

  • pdwEndOffset
    [in, out] Offset for the end position of the range. Set this parameter to a null value if this information is not needed.

Return Value

If successful, returns S_OK; otherwise, returns an error code.


The range specified in a document position for a location breakpoint is used by the debug engine (DE) to search ahead for a statement that actually contributes code. For example, consider the following code:

Line 5: // comment
Line 6: x = 1;

Line 5 contributes no code to the program being debugged. If the debugger that sets the breakpoint on line 5 wants the DE to search forward a certain amount for the first line that contributes code, the debugger would specify a range that includes additional candidate lines where a breakpoint might be correctly placed. The DE would then search forward through those lines until it found a line that could accept a breakpoint.

See Also


