ToolLocationHelper.GetPathToBuildTools Method (String, DotNetFrameworkArchitecture)

Given a ToolsVersion, return the path to the MSBuild tools for that ToolsVersion. The only version supported is “12.0”.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Build.Utilities
Assembly:  Microsoft.Build.Utilities.Core (in Microsoft.Build.Utilities.Core.dll)


Public Shared Function GetPathToBuildTools ( _
    toolsVersion As String, _
    architecture As DotNetFrameworkArchitecture _
) As String
public static string GetPathToBuildTools(
    string toolsVersion,
    DotNetFrameworkArchitecture architecture
static String^ GetPathToBuildTools(
    String^ toolsVersion, 
    DotNetFrameworkArchitecture architecture
static member GetPathToBuildTools : 
        toolsVersion:string * 
        architecture:DotNetFrameworkArchitecture -> string
public static function GetPathToBuildTools(
    toolsVersion : String, 
    architecture : DotNetFrameworkArchitecture
) : String


  • toolsVersion
    Type: System.String

    The ToolsVersion for which to get the tools path.

Return Value

Type: System.String
The tools path folder of the appropriate ToolsVersion if it exists, otherwise null.

.NET Framework Security

See Also


ToolLocationHelper Class

GetPathToBuildTools Overload

Microsoft.Build.Utilities Namespace