How to: Specify the Number of Test Iterations in a Load Test Run Setting

After you create your load test with the New Load Test Wizard, you can use the Load Test Editor to change the scenarios properties to meet your testing needs and goals. For more information, see [retired] Creating load tests.

Using the Load Test Editor, you can edit the Test Iterations property of a run settings value in the Properties window. The Test Iterations property specifies the number of iterations to run on all the Web performance and unit tests in all the scenarios in a load test using the Load Test Editor.


For a complete list of the run settings properties and their descriptions, see Load Test Run Settings Properties.


  • Visual Studio Ultimate

To specify the number of test iterations in a run setting

  1. Open a load test.

    The Load Test Editor appears and displays the load test tree.

  2. In the load test tree, in the Run Settings folder, choose a run setting.

  3. On the View menu, select Properties Window to view the load run setting's categories and properties.

  4. Set the Use Test Iterations property to True.

  5. In the Test Iterations property, enter a number that indicates the number of test iterations to run during the load test.

  6. After you have finished changing the property, choose Save on the File menu. You can then run your load test using the new Test Iterations value.

See Also


Load Test Scenario Properties

Other Resources

Configuring Load Test Run Settings

Step 4 - Specifying Run Settings in the New Load Test Wizard