ToolLocationHelper.GetPlatformExtensionSDKLocation Method (String, String, String, String, String)

Given an SDKName, targetPlatformIdentifier and TargetPlatformVersion search the default sdk locations for the passed in sdk name.

The format of the sdk moniker is SDKName, Version=X.X

MSBuild is now included in Visual Studio instead of the .NET Framework.You can use MSBuild 12.0 side-by-side with versions previously deployed with the .NET Framework.For more information, see What's New in MSBuild 12.0.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Build.Utilities
Assembly:  Microsoft.Build.Utilities.Core (in Microsoft.Build.Utilities.Core.dll)


Public Shared Function GetPlatformExtensionSDKLocation ( _
    sdkMoniker As String, _
    targetPlatformIdentifier As String, _
    targetPlatformVersion As String, _
    diskRoots As String, _
    registryRoot As String _
) As String
public static string GetPlatformExtensionSDKLocation(
    string sdkMoniker,
    string targetPlatformIdentifier,
    string targetPlatformVersion,
    string diskRoots,
    string registryRoot
static String^ GetPlatformExtensionSDKLocation(
    String^ sdkMoniker, 
    String^ targetPlatformIdentifier, 
    String^ targetPlatformVersion, 
    String^ diskRoots, 
    String^ registryRoot
static member GetPlatformExtensionSDKLocation : 
        sdkMoniker:string * 
        targetPlatformIdentifier:string * 
        targetPlatformVersion:string * 
        diskRoots:string * 
        registryRoot:string -> string
public static function GetPlatformExtensionSDKLocation(
    sdkMoniker : String, 
    targetPlatformIdentifier : String, 
    targetPlatformVersion : String, 
    diskRoots : String, 
    registryRoot : String
) : String


  • sdkMoniker
    Type: System.String

    Name of the SDK to determine the installation location for.

  • targetPlatformIdentifier
    Type: System.String

    Targeted platform to find SDKs for

  • targetPlatformVersion
    Type: System.String

    Targeted platform version to find SDKs for

  • diskRoots
    Type: System.String

    List of disk roots to search for sdks within

  • registryRoot
    Type: System.String

    Registry root to look for sdks within

Return Value

Type: System.String
Location of the SDK if it is found, empty string if it could not be found

.NET Framework Security

See Also


ToolLocationHelper Class

GetPlatformExtensionSDKLocation Overload

Microsoft.Build.Utilities Namespace