List Source Command

Displays the specified lines of source code.

Debug.ListSource [/Count:number] [/Current] [/File:filename]
[/Line:number] [/ShowLineNumbers:yes|no]


  • /Count:number
    Optional. Specifies the number of lines to display.

  • /Current
    Optional. Shows the current line.

  • /File:filename
    Optional. Path of the file to show. If no filename is specified, the command shows the source code for the line of the current statement.

  • /Line:number
    Optional. Shows a specific line number.

  • /ShowLineNumbers:yes|no
    Optional. Specifies whether to display line numbers.


This example lists the source code from line 4 of the file Form1.vb, with line numbers visible.

Debug.ListSource /File:"C:\Visual Studio Projects\Form1.vb" /Line:4 /ShowLineNumbers:yes

See Also


Visual Studio Commands

Command Window